Forum Discussion

  • raz_kamal 

    Please explain what you mean with 'removed' media? 

    Is it removed from the tape library and still available to be put back into the library? 

    Are the backup images on this media still valid (unexpired)? 

    • raz_kamal's avatar
      Level 2



      We are maintaing incrimental backup proceedure if the catridge is full we remove the that media and replaces with new empty media like the process goes.

      Here my qusetion is  "is the data in the removed catridge is valid or not" and how can retrieve the data from the removed catridge  


      it is a removed catridge (6.25TB) ,

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        The ONLY thing that determines if data is valid or not, is the Retention Level/Period that you have selected in the Policy Schedule(s). 
        The location of the tapes does not matter. 

        If you start a restore and the tape is not in the robot, you will be prompted in Activity Monitor to insert the tape.