Forum Discussion

Bryan_Sousa's avatar
10 years ago

Restore Exchange failed error 2810 and 5.


I'm trying restore de mailbox without successfuly. when start the job restore it failed..

I tryed restore in original location and alternative location too, both failed.

Master server and Media server windows server 2008 R2

Exchange 2010 using DAG




04/01/2016 14:05:14 - begin Restore
04/01/2016 14:05:14 - restoring image DAG1_1451648394
04/01/2016 14:05:14 - requesting resource @aaaat
04/01/2016 14:05:15 - Info bprd(pid=31972) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 01/01/16 09:39:54 from policy EXCHANGE_TREE 
04/01/2016 14:05:15 - Info bprd(pid=31972) Granular restore has started, this may take a while....    
04/01/2016 14:05:15 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaat;DiskVolume=vol_su;DiskPool=DataDomain_DP;Path=vol_su;;MediaServer=MEDIA
04/01/2016 14:05:26 - Error bpbrm(pid=17572) bpcd on CAS.CONTOSO.COM exited with status 59: access to the client was not allowed
04/01/2016 14:05:26 - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 59: access to the client was not allowed   
04/01/2016 14:05:26 - Error bpbrm(pid=17572) client restore EXIT STATUS 59: access to the client was not allowed 
04/01/2016 14:05:27 - restored image DAG1_1451648394 - (access to the client was not allowed(59)); restore time 0:00:13
04/01/2016 14:05:27 - end Restore; elapsed time: 0:00:13
MS-Exchange-Server policy restore error(2810)



04/01/2016 14:04:59 - begin Restore
04/01/2016 14:05:02 - Info bprd(pid=52448) starting BPRESOLVER           
04/01/2016 14:05:03 - Info bprd(pid=52448) BPRESOLVER has executed on server (SERVERX02)       
04/01/2016 14:05:27 - Error bprd(pid=52448) Cannot process target restore path        
04/01/2016 14:05:28 - end Restore; elapsed time: 0:00:29
the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)



  • Hi all,

    The problem with the backup operation was resolved after restart the master server machine.

    The solution for the restore i find in the link:

    Thanks for all