Restore Exchange Granular Error (rai error= 6)
Hi all,
26/03/2012 16:48:12 - begin Restore
26/03/2012 16:48:14 - restoring image server.domain.com_1332789312
26/03/2012 16:48:16 - Info bpbrm(pid=1376) is the host to restore data
26/03/2012 16:48:18 - Info bpbrm(pid=1376) reading file list from client
26/03/2012 16:48:18 - connecting
26/03/2012 16:48:20 - Info bpbrm(pid=1376) start nbfsd on client
26/03/2012 16:48:23 - Info bpbrm(pid=1376) start nbgre on client
26/03/2012 16:48:24 - Info tar32(pid=0) Restore started
26/03/2012 16:48:24 - connected; connect time: 00:00:06
26/03/2012 16:49:58 - Error bpbrm(pid=1376) from client ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\server\Microsoft Information Store\SG_CCDAC_4\AC_M2, rai error = 6
26/03/2012 16:49:58 - Error bpbrm(pid=1376) from client ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\server\Microsoft Information Store\SG_CCDAC_4\AC_M2\Márcio Gomes de Almeida Filho [marciogomes], rai error = 6
26/03/2012 16:49:58 - Error bpbrm(pid=1376) from client ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\server\Microsoft Information Store\SG_CCDAC_4\AC_M2\Márcio Gomes de Almeida Filho [marciogomes]\Top of Information Store, rai error = 6
26/03/2012 16:49:58 - Error bpbrm(pid=1376) from client ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\server\Microsoft Information Store\SG_CCDAC_4\AC_M2\Márcio Gomes de Almeida Filho [marciogomes]\Top of Information Store\Caixa de entrada, rai error = 6
26/03/2012 16:49:58 - Error bpbrm(pid=1376) from client ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\server\Microsoft Information Store\SG_CCDAC_4\AC_M2\Márcio Gomes de Almeida Filho [marciogomes]\Top of Information Store\Caixa de entrada\ <00000000c0951df4620633478c8f8eef944fdb340700e9c7e88e2ac40446ba6e6399df4c41e601170a24f320000016a19e37b691a845ab35f385653dca3d00001f0106020000>, rai error = 6
26/03/2012 16:50:00 - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status 0
26/03/2012 16:50:00 - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 5
26/03/2012 16:50:00 - restored image server.domain.com_1332789312 - (the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)); restore time 00:01:46
26/03/2012 16:50:02 - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:01:50
MS-Exchange-Server policy restore error(2810)
26/03/2012 16:50:05 - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
26/03/2012 16:50:05 - Error bpbrm(pid=1376) client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
MS-Exchange-Server policy restore error(2810)
The backup works fine:
26/03/2012 16:15:11 - Info nbjm(pid=4193) starting backup job (jobid=253532) for client, policy _POC_GRT_SERVER_EXCWIN_Dbase, schedule Diario_Full
26/03/2012 16:15:11 - Info nbjm(pid=4193) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=253532, request id:{0278DC6C-7778-11E1-9F7E-00144FEAACDB})
26/03/2012 16:15:11 - requesting resource STU_DISK_OPSCENTER
26/03/2012 16:15:11 - requesting resource
26/03/2012 16:15:11 - requesting resource sac0972.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS._POC_GRT_SERVER_EXCWIN_Dbase
26/03/2012 16:15:12 - granted resource
26/03/2012 16:15:12 - granted resource sac0972.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS._POC_GRT_SERVER_EXCWIN_Dbase
26/03/2012 16:15:12 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaa1;Path=E:\STU_DISK_FILES\;
26/03/2012 16:15:12 - granted resource STU_DISK_SERVER
26/03/2012 16:15:12 - estimated 32421834 Kbytes needed
26/03/2012 16:15:12 - Info nbjm(pid=4193) started backup job for client, policy _POC_GRT_SERVER_EXCWIN_Dbase, schedule Diario_Full on storage unit STU_DISK_OPSCENTER
26/03/2012 16:15:12 - started process bpbrm (5324)
26/03/2012 16:15:14 - Info bpbrm(pid=5324) is the host to backup data from
26/03/2012 16:15:20 - Info bpbrm(pid=5324) reading file list from client
26/03/2012 16:15:20 - connecting
26/03/2012 16:15:23 - Info bpbrm(pid=5324) starting bpbkar32 on client
26/03/2012 16:15:23 - connected; connect time: 00:00:03
26/03/2012 16:17:26 - Info bpbkar32(pid=30804) Backup started
26/03/2012 16:17:26 - Info bptm(pid=5512) start
26/03/2012 16:17:26 - Info bptm(pid=5512) using 262144 data buffer size
26/03/2012 16:17:26 - Info bptm(pid=5512) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes
26/03/2012 16:17:26 - Info bptm(pid=5512) using 30 data buffers
26/03/2012 16:17:27 - Info bptm(pid=5512) start backup
26/03/2012 16:17:27 - Info bptm(pid=5512) backup child process is pid 4524.5004
26/03/2012 16:17:27 - Info bptm(pid=4524) start
26/03/2012 16:17:27 - begin writing
26/03/2012 16:17:28 - Info bpbkar32(pid=30804) INF - waiting for mount mutex
26/03/2012 16:35:04 - Info bpbrm(pid=5324) from client TRV - Starting granular backup processing for (Microsoft Information Store:\SG_CCDAC_4). This may take a while...
26/03/2012 16:38:49 - Info bpbrm(pid=5324) from client TRV - Successfully finished granular backup processing for (Microsoft Information Store:\SG_CCDAC_4).
26/03/2012 16:38:50 - Info bpbrm(pid=5324) from client TRV - Exchange granular database changes were backed up successfully.
26/03/2012 16:39:04 - Info bptm(pid=5512) waited for full buffer 52085 times, delayed 82783 times
26/03/2012 16:39:06 - Info bpbrm(pid=5324) validating image for client
26/03/2012 16:39:09 - end writing; write time: 00:21:42
the requested operation was successfully completed(0)
Thank you!
Márcio Almeida
The distributed application mapping is designed for 2010 but in view of your setup it may not hurt to do it anyway
Go to the Master Servers Host properties - Distributed Application Restore Mappings
You will need to add a few entries here so that the SRV0000 is mapped to the mailbox severs and CAS Servers - so all down the left hand side is SRV00000 and on the right is everything else