Forum Discussion

albatroz19's avatar
Level 5
4 years ago

Restore files from backupid on other client's filesystem

Hi all,

i would try a restore files from a client to another, but i presume to have only backup-id information for client's backup. The files on backup-id should be restored togheter on a dedicated filesystem on another client.

I thought with bpflist -backupid "name" to obtain the files name and then insert on file's list and restore with bprestore command, but i receive "no entity was found" output and if i try bpimagelist with same backu-id, it's present.

There is an option to restore from backup-id directly?
for redirect many files on a filesystem,  should i compile a rename file to redirect?

Any idea?
Thanks and Regards

  • albatroz19 

    Try to add the client name to bpflist.
    It seems that the default is to use client name as local host where the command is executed.

    Try this:

    bpflist -client <name>  -backupid <backup-id>
    You may need to add a date range as well, as some commands defaults to last 24 hours.

    It is not possible to specify backup id to restore  - the backup id represents the 'header' info. All the stuff that you get from bpimagelist. Part of the header info is the 'files'-file that contains file paths. Depending on the number of files in the backup, the 'files'-file could be a collection of files.
    The easiest way to get the list is with bplist and/or bpflist.

    My recommendation is to use a rename file.

    Please be prepared for initial failures - bprestore is not the easiest command to master.
    Even after reading the bprestore command reference, it took me a while to get it right for a customer.
    Something as simple as a <CR> at the end of the rename file could cause the command to fail.

    You may want to perform a test redirected restore from the GUI with bprestore log folder in place on the master.
    Have a good look in bprestore log at the commands that NBU uses, and try to use that as a template for your bprestore command.

    Good luck!

  • albatroz19 

    Try to add the client name to bpflist.
    It seems that the default is to use client name as local host where the command is executed.

    Try this:

    bpflist -client <name>  -backupid <backup-id>
    You may need to add a date range as well, as some commands defaults to last 24 hours.

    It is not possible to specify backup id to restore  - the backup id represents the 'header' info. All the stuff that you get from bpimagelist. Part of the header info is the 'files'-file that contains file paths. Depending on the number of files in the backup, the 'files'-file could be a collection of files.
    The easiest way to get the list is with bplist and/or bpflist.

    My recommendation is to use a rename file.

    Please be prepared for initial failures - bprestore is not the easiest command to master.
    Even after reading the bprestore command reference, it took me a while to get it right for a customer.
    Something as simple as a <CR> at the end of the rename file could cause the command to fail.

    You may want to perform a test redirected restore from the GUI with bprestore log folder in place on the master.
    Have a good look in bprestore log at the commands that NBU uses, and try to use that as a template for your bprestore command.

    Good luck!

    • albatroz19's avatar
      Level 5

      Hi Mariannne,

      thanks for response. I followed your tips and for the "rename file" i created a script that perform little restores by any data extracted from backupid.

