Restore files from backupid on other client's filesystem
Hi all,
i would try a restore files from a client to another, but i presume to have only backup-id information for client's backup. The files on backup-id should be restored togheter on a dedicated filesystem on another client.
I thought with bpflist -backupid "name" to obtain the files name and then insert on file's list and restore with bprestore command, but i receive "no entity was found" output and if i try bpimagelist with same backu-id, it's present.
There is an option to restore from backup-id directly?
for redirect many files on a filesystem, should i compile a rename file to redirect?
Any idea?
Thanks and Regards
Try to add the client name to bpflist.
It seems that the default is to use client name as local host where the command is executed.Try this:
bpflist -client <name> -backupid <backup-id>
You may need to add a date range as well, as some commands defaults to last 24 hours.It is not possible to specify backup id to restore - the backup id represents the 'header' info. All the stuff that you get from bpimagelist. Part of the header info is the 'files'-file that contains file paths. Depending on the number of files in the backup, the 'files'-file could be a collection of files.
The easiest way to get the list is with bplist and/or bpflist.My recommendation is to use a rename file.
Please be prepared for initial failures - bprestore is not the easiest command to master.
Even after reading the bprestore command reference, it took me a while to get it right for a customer.
Something as simple as a <CR> at the end of the rename file could cause the command to fail.You may want to perform a test redirected restore from the GUI with bprestore log folder in place on the master.
Have a good look in bprestore log at the commands that NBU uses, and try to use that as a template for your bprestore command.Good luck!