Forum Discussion

asherh1's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Restore full folder with permissions to another location


Windows client , drive c:\ have two folders - test1 and test2 . Test2 folder have file aa.txt

I want to restore folder test2 with all related folders and files and with same permissions to c:\restore.

I expect to find c:restore\test2\aa.txt , but found c:\restore\aa.txt

The only way to achive what I want is to restore both folders to c:\restore and than remove folder test1

Is there a easy way to do that ?





    Hello Ncollie,

    Your workaround is very nice and it's similar to what I wrote in the description of the case.

    I have a customer that was not satisfied with the solution ! gave him , he wants a solution that reuires one move.



  • Asher,

    I recently had a case very similar to this.


    Trying to restore, for example 'm:\Backmeup\Data1\files.ext' to s:\Restores\ restulted in just


    instead of


    As a workaround, what I've ended up doing is adding a small file to the upper level of the directory tree

     Directory of m:\
    11/26/2013  10:27 AM    <DIR>          BackMeUp
    11/26/2013  10:27 AM               592 datafile.txt

    Then, select that, along with the directory and the subdirectories you want restored. The result is that you get that file and the required folder, along with all it's subfolders restored as desired. It's then just a case of deleting 'datafile.txt'

     Directory of S:\Restores
    11/26/2013  10:35 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/26/2013  10:35 AM    <DIR>          ..
    11/26/2013  10:35 AM    <DIR>          BackMeUp
    11/26/2013  10:27 AM               592 datafile.txt

    That might be of use to you?

  • Hi Marianne

    I tryed the two options , with the same result

    The only way that work - if I write destination as c:\restore\test2 , but then directory test2 is created with new permissions , and I wanted to restore test2 with the backuped permissions


  • If you expect to see c:\restore\test2\aa.txt, you need to select the 2nd option:

    Restore everything to a different location (maintaining existing structure)

    • shah_Faisal's avatar
      Level 0

      Hi ,

      I need your help I want to restore From One VM's files (Linux-VMName is Linux-prod and backup files name is /home/web/A.txt in this vm)

      on another VM (Ubuntu-VMName is Ubuntu-Dev and destination folder is /dev/tst)

      So let me know how can I restore files from veritas from one VM to another VM


  • Hi,

    When selecting I am selecting directory  test2

    When doing the restore I tryed the two options

    Restore everything to a different location (maintaining existing structure)


    Restore individual directories (folders) and files to different locations


    Attached are the screen shots .




  • We would need to see a screen shot of what you selected and also how you specified your alternate path - this makes the difference with this type of restore

  • while doing the restore did you select the option    

    Restore everything to a different location (maintaining existing
    Restore individual directories (folders) and files to different
    locations   ?
    in restore window?


  • Hello,

    When doing the redirected restore, are you able to selecting the test2 folder or just the aa.txt? Also what is the redirected restore path your using?