Forum Discussion

MariusD's avatar
Level 6
16 years ago

Restore to a different client

Hi all,

I have read the Admin Guide I, page 667-680 but I don't understand to much. How can I do a restore to another client. I have a did backup for a client and now I want to restor to another cleint.

Which is the simplest way to redirect a restore???
The master and clients are windows.

I wait suggestions.

Thanks and Regards
Marius D.

  • select File/Specify Netbackup Machines & Policy Type...

    In the window you can change the destination client for restores (as well as source & policy type). Just change this to the client you want & you're good to go.
  • select File/Specify Netbackup Machines & Policy Type...

    In the window you can change the destination client for restores (as well as source & policy type). Just change this to the client you want & you're good to go.
  • When restoring to another sever, it is as easy as Andy says, just choose a different destination server.

    but when you hit that button to start the restore and you get the window about where to put it - Pay Close Attention.

    If the server you are getting the file from has an E drive, by default the restore is going to put it on the E drive of the destinations server - but what if it does not have an E drive - then it fails

    Use the restore to a different  location, and put the the correct path of where you want it to go.
  • There is one thing you need to remember - the restore to another host requires the destination host also has NetBackup client installed and configured.

    The document didn't say that explicitly - the writer probably assumed people would know already.  However, I have seen many a time people just want to restore backup from an old/decommissioned server to a new server without NetBackup client yet.  ;-)
  • Thanks Andy. It work.

    Here "step by step" guide:

    On Master server, open the "Backup, Archive, and Restore" console and select "File -> Specify Netbackup Machines and Policy Type" and than on "Specify Netbackup Machines and Policy Type" screen:
    1.  select the server to use for backup/restores: MASTER
    2.  select the source client for restore: CLIENT1
    3.  select the destination client for restore CLIENT2
    4.  select the policy type for restore. (Attention: the source client and destination client must have same policy type)
    - than "Select for Restore" from menu
    - select backup (full/incremetal) and what day from "Netbackup History" 
    - select what you want to restore
    - click on "Start Restore of Marked Files" from left side.
    - and wait to restore

  • Judy/CY - I must admit it is just too easy to assume some things ;)

    ((editted for spelling mistook!!))