Forum Discussion

lanira_1509's avatar
11 years ago

Restoring policies to another master server

Hi Everybody,

I am new on this discussion and not an expert to NetBackup too .

I was told to restore existing policies from a Windows 2003 Server (netbackup version ) to another master server that we have already in production.

One Master Server is a Windows 2008 Server with a netbackup version 7.0.1 and the another is a Windows 2003 Server with a netbackup version 6.0

My first question is :

can we do that even if the version is different ?

My second one is :

if the first is feasible, could you tell me how to proceed please ?

I have to give a solution by Friday on this week...

Thank you in advance for your help !

Best Regards,


  • want only the 3 policies to be moved from one master server to another you can try copying the folders for the policies from one master to another. The policies are stored in the following location \netbackup\db\class This folder consists of folders with the policy name. Just copy the specific folder and the restart the netbackup services on the destination mastermaster server and you should find the policies there.
  • Thank you very much all !

    I will update you the result once I will have the GO from my superior.

    Meeting will be hold on Friday 2nd of May.

  • Lala,

    The best approach is mentioned in above comments.  But I have personally migrated thousands of policies by making TAR and unTAR on the new master server in the CLASS directory of the master server. NetBackup had major problem with respect to migrating the policies (changing the properties) prior to 7.0 versions. It used to take infinite time to the migration and eventually we have to do the manual intervenstion. 

  • Hi Yogesh,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I am sorry, but I am very new on NetBackupsmiley...

    What do TAR and unTAR mean in this NBU's environment ?

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,


  • tar is a Unix command to create a backup file. So, not applicable with your Windows server.

    You wiil simply map other server's drive where NBU is installed and use Windows Explorer to copy policy folders under class.

    Just copy one policy folder as a test (with NBU down), start NBU and see what it looks like.

  • Thank you Marianne.

    I believe that in NBU environment there would be a TAR command to do ! blush

    Well, thank to everyone, I think I can close this discussion if everybody agrees !

    See you soon,


  • Technically correct, yes. The tar command will be in netbackup\bin folder. When Unix guys talk about tar it is normally the OS command that is referred to. Up to you to select Solution(s) if you feel that your query was answered.