Right order to upgrade & migrate Netbackup in clustered enviroment
We are going to upgrade Netbackup 7.1 to 7.5 and then to but which is correct order to perform upgrade and migration in clustered enviroment as manuals instructions differs from other
We have two node, hot and cold...
* Cluster guide:
Before cluster is starded:
On each inactive node to which NetBackup may failover, install the NetBackup server software.
Note the following: Follow the instructions for how to upgrade NetBackup as described in the Symantec NetBackup Installation Guide
* Installation guide:
Do not start the NetBackup job-related processes until all nodes are upgraded
* But Upgrade guide:
This step applies only to cluster installations.
You did not mention the Clustering software in use? I believe steps differ for different Cluster software products.
See my comments:
shutdown services (cluster offline, freeze)
Note that only NBU resource should be offlined, not entire service/resource group. If you offline the entire service group, the Virtual name will be unavailable and diskgroup will be deported - EMM cannot be upgraded.upgrade hot node
Upgrade all the way to before services are started. See recommendation in Upgrade Portal.
Before installing patch, verify that /usr/openv/db/data is not a symbolic link. See this TN:
(ET2783979) During installation of a 7.5.0.x maintenance release, if the <install_path>/openv/db/data directory is a link, the installation will fail. http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH189078- shutdown
- upgrade cold node
No need to shutdown active node while upgrading inactive node.