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Thomas_Schulz_3's avatar
11 years ago

RMAN Images are missing in the catalog

RMAN Images are missing in the catalog

Our DBA's even start the Oracle restores and it also works for years.

Now I have a very strange case.

Our DBA's store the RMAN backups in their Oracle RMAN Catalog on for 2 months. I keep the RMAN backup images for 3 months ( netbackup retentiopn level -> 3month).

Now, a 10-week-old database must be restored and our DBA has set up an older RMAN catalog from the backup.

Based on this recovered RMAN Catalog a restore will fail.

Which Netbackup logfile i can check to see the successfull backup of the needed Netbackup Images?

Does anyone have an idea?

And here the RMAN log file:

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu Feb 27 09:44:46 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: CLF (not mounted)
connected to recovery catalog database

executing command: SET DBID
database name is "CLF" and DBID is 3819197101

RMAN> 2> 3> 4> 5>
allocated channel: ch00
channel ch00: SID=42 device type=SBT_TAPE
channel ch00: Veritas NetBackup for Oracle - Release 7.5 (2013061020)

executing command: SET until clause

Starting restore at 27-FEB-14

channel ch00: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ch00: restoring control file
channel ch00: reading from backup piece c-3819197101-20131209-01
channel ch00: ORA-19870: Fehler beim Zuruckschreiben von Backup Piece c-3819197101-20131209-01
ORA-19507: Fehler beim Abrufen der sequentiellen Datei, Handle="c-3819197101-20131209-01", Parameter=""
ORA-27029: skgfrtrv: sbtrestore hat Fehler zuruckgegeben
ORA-19511: Fehler von Media Manager-Ebene empfangen, Fehlertext:
   Backup file <c-3819197101-20131209-01> not found in NetBackup catalog

failover to previous backup

channel ch00: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ch00: restoring control file
channel ch00: reading from backup piece c-3819197101-20131209-00
channel ch00: ORA-19870: Fehler beim Zuruckschreiben von Backup Piece c-3819197101-20131209-00
ORA-19507: Fehler beim Abrufen der sequentiellen Datei, Handle="c-3819197101-20131209-00", Parameter=""
ORA-27029: skgfrtrv: sbtrestore hat Fehler zuruckgegeben
ORA-19511: Fehler von Media Manager-Ebene empfangen, Fehlertext:
   Backup file <c-3819197101-20131209-00> not found in NetBackup catalog



  • Thomas,

    the Recovery Catalog from Oracle (RMAN Catalog or even the controlfile) and Netbackup Catalog are 2 separate repositories and usally have to keep in sync.

    Therefore a maintainance operation should be run on the Oracle Side (CROSSCHECK, DELETE OBSOLTE, ...) at least every day.

    Is that the case at your site. Does the database admin did some maintainance commands. If yes (and he did a DELETE OBSOLTE e.g. ) RMAN will delete the files even on the Netbackup Side (netbackup images).

    If the DBA restores an old Recovery Catalog it will not help, because the backup pieces are already gone on the Netbackup side and the entries in the RMAN cataog points to nowhere.

    Possibly the is the case at your side.




  • the Recovery Catalog from Oracle (RMAN Catalog or even the controlfile) and Netbackup Catalog are 2 separate repositories and usally have to keep in sync.

  • Thomas,

    the Recovery Catalog from Oracle (RMAN Catalog or even the controlfile) and Netbackup Catalog are 2 separate repositories and usally have to keep in sync.

    Therefore a maintainance operation should be run on the Oracle Side (CROSSCHECK, DELETE OBSOLTE, ...) at least every day.

    Is that the case at your site. Does the database admin did some maintainance commands. If yes (and he did a DELETE OBSOLTE e.g. ) RMAN will delete the files even on the Netbackup Side (netbackup images).

    If the DBA restores an old Recovery Catalog it will not help, because the backup pieces are already gone on the Netbackup side and the entries in the RMAN cataog points to nowhere.

    Possibly the is the case at your side.




  • The bpbrm and bptm logs on the media server, bprd on the master, dbclient on the client.

    nbpem as well on the master. Use vxlogview to extract logs:
    vxlogview -o 116 -b <StartDate> -e <EndDate>

    Dates need to be in this format:

    Surround the date by single quotes in UNIX and double quotes in Windows. 
    For example:
    -b ’1/1/2010 12:00:00 AM’
    Have you double-checked the client name? Maybe client name was changed in the policy since Dec?
    If backup was done as client.fqdn and a search is done for client or Client or Client.fqdn, the request will fail.
    You may want to check /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images on the master to see if there are different versions/variations of the client name.
  • At first i restore all the Netbackup Logfiles an try to find something about the backup in december.

    I which Netbackup Logdirectory should this information stand?

  • We really need to see more...

    Either SLP or policy looked different in December, or the backup did not run or was not successful, or there is something else selected in the policy attributes or the schedule.
    Or maybe more than one Oracle policy for this client...

    If more than one Oracle policy for this client and policy and/or schedule is not hard-coded in the rman script, the backup will run against the 1st policy it finds in the alphabet.


  • Hi.

    In my RMAN backup Policy i use SLP "SLP_Oracle_Prod" ( check attachment ).

    The bplist/bpflist/bpimage ( and so on ) commands don't find the needed files!

    But why are the files listed in the recovered RMAN Catalog?

  • Or from the master serevr console do a 

    bpimagelist -pt Oracle -d MM/DD/YYYY -e MM/DD/YYYY -client {netbackup client name} -rl {bpretlevel number}

    You should be able to see what keywoards are used and match those with the RMAN catalog entries.

  • netbackup retentiopn level -> 3month

    Please double-check the policy - Retention needs to be set against the Application Backup schedule, not the Automatic schedule.

    Another possibility is user rights.
    By default, only the user id that performed the backup can browse/access the images.

    Also check that correct hostname is sent to NBU master for restore request. 
    Client hostname must match the name used in the policy.

    Try to list images from the master:

    bplist -C <client-name> -t 4 -s <dd/mm/yyyy> -e <dd/mm/yyyy> -l -R /

    -s (start-date) should be far enough back to ensure the backed up date will be found. If I look at the above, it seems to be 9 Dec?

    So, -s can be 12/09/2013.