Forum Discussion

Heron_Batista's avatar
9 years ago

Running sharepoint backup, Error 69


I have a problem running sharepoint backup.
Error 69, invalid filelist specification.

I followed all the steps of the guide;
I checked everything:

Could you please help me solve this problem?

  • oh sorry, start over

    send_start_msg(): BPRESOLVER has executed on server (EPM2013WEBDES)


    getaddrinfo() failed RV=10109 NAME=EPM2013WEBDES SVC=bpspsserver


    EPM2013WEBDES is not the same thing as vm25145_epm2013webdes


  • I did!

    # egrep -i "<16>|fail|error|seve|criti" ALL_ADMINS.021816_00001.log | egrep -v "\ INF\ -\ "
  • <16> db_begin: db_startrequest() failed: operation requested by an invalid server


    Is sn02001-bkp in vm25145_epm2013webdes SERVER list ? 

  • Will Restore,


    sn02001-bkp is master server Netbackup

    vm25145_epm2013webdes is front end Share Point

      * vm25145_epm2013webdes performs backup of other types successful.

  • Understood. You still have to add the Master to the client's Server list. 




    already, always.

    As I said:
    performs backup of other types successful.




  • Odd.  Check ouput of these commands on the client

    bpclntcmd -pn

    bpclntcmd -hn sn02001-bkp

    bpclntcmd -ip <master server ip>



  • oh sorry, start over

    send_start_msg(): BPRESOLVER has executed on server (EPM2013WEBDES)


    getaddrinfo() failed RV=10109 NAME=EPM2013WEBDES SVC=bpspsserver


    EPM2013WEBDES is not the same thing as vm25145_epm2013webdes


  • @Heron - we haven't heard from you for a few days...

    What myself (with the command I gave you above), and Will, are trying to do is to steer you towards learning how to identify "naming" issues for yourself.  Or, do you still need a hand going through this in minute low level detail?   We could give you a process which will identify any naming issues (if you understand the output), and if you are still unable to resolve it yourself, then you would need to show us undoctored output of commands, if any one of us are to help you any further.

    You clearly have a server and/or client naming issue, so it's it to you how you want to progress this.  What do you want to do next?


    Resolved friends !!!

    I have a specific Ethernet network for backup.
    Do not use DNS for that network, so I set the hosts file of each server, and the master server as well.

    For error 69: reconfigured hosts files, Master Server and Sharepoint, using its hostname.

    And for error 71: set up the properties of the default clients (with anything)



    thank you guys