S3 Cloud Storage setup across AWS accounts
Currently using NetBackup to backup servers in a single AWS account to S3 using an IAM user/access keys. This is working fine for backing up to S3 buckets in that account, but there is another AWS account that the NetBackup IAM user has cross acount access to that we want our master server to manage the backups of.
The thing I'm trying to figure out is how do I configure netbackup cloud storage to use the IAM user in Account #1 to access/backup to the S3 buckets in Account #2? The IAM user is working just fine and I can access and manage the S3 buckets through CLI from the master in account #1 to account #2, but when configuring cloud storage, it doesn't have an option to say to use account #2's S3 bucket. It only loads the buckets in account #1 or gives me an option to Add Volume which seems to try and create the bucket in Account #1.
Is it possible to point it directly to an existing bucket in a different account when the IAM user has cross account permissions or is an IAM user needed for each AWS account being accessed?