Scan Command
Hi Experts,
We have one master server windows 2008 and 8 drives.
8 drives are visible on OS level and working fine.
We are experincing issue with the Drives 1 or 2 drives are taking too much time to mount tapes. Its an intermittent issue. Sometimes all 8 are working perfectly fine. We observed its not only a particular drive but if all 7 drives are working 1 of them is not mounting tape due to which backups are in queue and after half an hour it mounts the tape and all drives start working.
In scan -changer command on master server it shows all the 8 drives with serial number.
However scan command also shows all 8 drives with serial number and on specific each drives there are only 5 drives. Is there any issue?
or if scan -changer shows all the 8 drives is it ok? if its ok then why scan command is showing 5 drives( Indivudual details of the drives ) after showing all 8 drives ?
^^^ What she said!!!!
And when you look at which drives are seen by each NBU server, COMPARE THE SERIAL #'S & WWNs, not the "Tape0", etc. One media server may call a drive Tape0, and the other called it Tape5 when it was added. Ignore those names.
This will help to track down which drives are the ones causing problems.
Once you can see all the drives from all the servers, make sure you have persistent binding enabled on your HBAs (done through some utilitiy for your HBA's, not NetBackup) so that the paths between the tape drives and the ports on your tape drives will stay the same after a server reboot. This has caused all kinds of problems for us in the past, with tape drives disappearing from one media server but working fine on the others.