scan hosts
How the scan host is determined |
EMM determines scan hosts; a scan host may be different for each shared drive. The first host in the environment to come online with a non-zero scan ability factor is the initial scan host for its drives. To configure the scan ability factor of media servers, use thenbemmcmd command. For more information, seeNetBackup Commands Reference Guide.) |
- scan ability factor is 2.Then will this hamper anything?
- scan ability factor is 0.What this means?
- scan host are my media servers?
no they will work fine.
just because a drive is down does not mean it is anything to do with the scan host.
it is an impossible question "what if " I don;t know, it hasn't happened.
NBU is too complex to guess at things that have not happened.
That is my final answer on this subjust.
Sorry, but Chris Zimmerman (more important than me) wants to put a stop to these 'what if' questions - this is not what the forum is for.
The occassion question is fine, but not multiple "what if questions" in the same day. The answers are all out there in the manuals, you just have to spend some time loking.