Forum Discussion

reachah's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Script to execute the status of backups


I have a NB Master SunOS  5.10 , NB 7.1v

I do not have Ops-Centre in my environment ,hence need to implement a script for the below requirement,

1) Need to get the backup status i.e., Success or failed with error codes

2) Backup type,schedule,last successful backups

3) Date range either individual date i.e., previous date\night backups alone & also to specify the date range i.e.,for the last one week

4) Size of the backups & expiration date


Kinldy assist ...


  • It could be a bit convoluted as will require input from more than one source




    bperror -backstat -U (will detail all jobs over the last 24 hours & their status (for failed jobs this may be your only option?) - depending on your master settings this could potentially be only held for the last 3 days)

    bpimagelist could be used for more in-depth reporting of successful jobs re: size, retention, last successful etc (see example here for some idea(s): )

    Unless any of the canned reports are more what you're looking for in the Admin Console?

  • It could be a bit convoluted as will require input from more than one source




    bperror -backstat -U (will detail all jobs over the last 24 hours & their status (for failed jobs this may be your only option?) - depending on your master settings this could potentially be only held for the last 3 days)

    bpimagelist could be used for more in-depth reporting of successful jobs re: size, retention, last successful etc (see example here for some idea(s): )

    Unless any of the canned reports are more what you're looking for in the Admin Console?

  • Your reporting needs say to me that OpsCentre is a MUST in your environment.

    Why re-invent the wheel? 

    As per Andy's excellent post - there is no single command or report that will give all the info that you need.
    The information that you need is pulled from 2 separate databases - error and image.
    bperror (error database) will report on all backups - failed and successful. Default days to keep 28 days.
    bpimagelist (image database) can only report on successful backups (size & expiration date). Info retention is determined by the backup retention.

    The jobs database (bpdbjobs -most_columns) contain most info you need, but not expiration date.
    This is the info you see in Activity Monitor and is kept for 3 days.