Forum Discussion

screech27's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Searches in Netbackup

I was familar with NBU version 7.5 and performed searches via command line as follows - this worked perfectly every time.

E:\program files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd>bpflist –client orlhm-drfiler-a –d 04/01/14 –e 07/07/14 –rl 999

–policy orlhm_drfiler_a_mirror_enrollment_documents –pt NDMP | find “0003713971” > c:\student.txt


Now a new job with NBU  Converted the search to the correct information at the new job and it would fail.  Finally got this command to work:

E:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpflist -client oocsvondmp -d 04/01/2015
-e 06/28/2015 -pt NDMP -rl 999 -option GET_ALL_FILES | find "Personal.pst" > c:\


I have a few questions:


First regarding command line searches.  If I add the switch -policy and then the policy name, I get an error 'No entity was found'.  I really need to search by policy as searching by our Filer itself simply has way too much to search thru! 

Second, is there anyway to use a wildcard in searches?  I have tried to use "*.pst" and then ".\.pst" and both of them resulted in no entity was found.

Lastly, we do have ops center analytics and I would like to try to use it for searches.  I think I have to setup an index server but have not been able to find documentation as to what is needed or how to go about this.

I've had a case open with Symantec for 2 weeks, on 3rd engineer.  And so far all suggestions have not worked.

Could really use someone with experience in searches to provide some insight!


Thanks in advance to all my NBU buddies!




  • Glad we could get that working via the case! Thanks for posting it for those following along via the forum. :)

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