Forum Discussion

Chris_Tobolski's avatar
11 years ago

Separate Scheduling for Backups and Duplication using SLP's

I'm running NetBackup 7.5 with one master server and one media server with about 125 clients.

Recently I've begun transitioning our old policies to use storage lifecycle policies to improve our short term rto and reduce administrative work we were doing. I was hoping to increase our utilization of our tape drive as well by writing from the primary backup location which is a PureDisk pool (I know that it is not ideal for a primary backup location, but it's all we have available in terms of disk storage).

I want to be able to run the backups during off business hours while duplicating those backups to tape with a 24/7 window. Is there a way to define separate schedules to achieve this? From what I have read so far it seems like the duplication jobs try to start immediately after backups are finished, but that setup seems to be constrained by our time window.

TLDR can I have duplication jobs in SLP's operate outside the backup window?

Thank you for your time!

Chris Tobolski

  • Hello,

    Yes, You now can with NetBackup 7.6. You will need to upgrade, but this would be worth it for what your looking to do.

    From our  NetBackup 7.6 Feature Briefing - Secondary operation windows in SLPs


    NetBackup 7.6 introduces two new features that can be used to control secondary operations such as the duplication, indexing or replication of backup images and snapshots: 
    1. Operating windows – these restrict the times at which secondary operations can occur and prevent resource contention issues between primary and secondary operations. The same window can be applied to multiple secondary operations on multiple SLPs. 
    2. Deferred copy creation – the duplication or replication operation is delayed until the source copy of the image is about to expire. This effectively creates a hierarchical storage model where the image copy is “moved” to different locations at it ages. 



  • Hello,

    Yes, You now can with NetBackup 7.6. You will need to upgrade, but this would be worth it for what your looking to do.

    From our  NetBackup 7.6 Feature Briefing - Secondary operation windows in SLPs


    NetBackup 7.6 introduces two new features that can be used to control secondary operations such as the duplication, indexing or replication of backup images and snapshots: 
    1. Operating windows – these restrict the times at which secondary operations can occur and prevent resource contention issues between primary and secondary operations. The same window can be applied to multiple secondary operations on multiple SLPs. 
    2. Deferred copy creation – the duplication or replication operation is delayed until the source copy of the image is about to expire. This effectively creates a hierarchical storage model where the image copy is “moved” to different locations at it ages.