Set Primary Copy Image, not change Copy Number
I trying to turns a duplicated image backup that came as Copy Number 2, to Copy 1 and Primary Copy. But when I set the image to be Primary Copy, Copy Number still as Copy Number 2. Even though I have already expired the image that originated the duplication.
Any help will be welcome!
I'll prefix this with the disclaimer that I haven't touched Synthetic Backups in several years. First because they tied up too many tape drives at once and then, once we got our Appliances, they weren't necessary.
As long as you are using whatever copy number is also the Primary Copy, you should, within the limitations of Synthetic Backups, be able to create a Synthetic. However, there are a few limitations.
This KB article details some of them. While .f files went away sometime early in the 7.x series, the overall issue of conflicts and expired images still can exist: