Forum Discussion

geelsu's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Setting Active Backups Per Storage Unit Group

Specific Netbackup Version: 7.7.3

Specific Windows Version:  2012 R2

I have two Storage Unit Groups (SUG) and I send one group of policies to one SUG and the another group to the other SUG.  Due to various reasons related to network speed, disk speed, and time I would like for each SUG to be active with a maximum of two jobs.  How do I make sure each SUG is active with two jobs only so that when I look at the activity monitor I see 4 writing operations max ... 2 to one SUG and 2 to the other. Of course, if there is no policy scheduled for a particular SUG at the time then I would only see 2 active jobs to a SUG if a policy is scheduled to run and not 4 active jobs.  At no time should any SUG have more than 2 active jobs.  Is this even possible? 

What I basically have is two NetApp devices with defined Disk Pools.  These Disk Pools are in Storage Units.  And the Storage Units are in Storage Unit Groups.   A simple diagram is attached.


Thank you for any insight or guidance you might have.

Kind regards.

  • There is no way to limit Jobs at SUG level.

    You can only limit jobs at STU level.

    Depending on amount of policies that can run simultaneously, you can also consider to limit max jobs per policy.

    • geelsu's avatar
      Level 3

      Thanks Marianne.  Maybe a future release will consider this an option to include.