Setting Active Backups Per Storage Unit Group
Specific Netbackup Version: 7.7.3
Specific Windows Version: 2012 R2
I have two Storage Unit Groups (SUG) and I send one group of policies to one SUG and the another group to the other SUG. Due to various reasons related to network speed, disk speed, and time I would like for each SUG to be active with a maximum of two jobs. How do I make sure each SUG is active with two jobs only so that when I look at the activity monitor I see 4 writing operations max ... 2 to one SUG and 2 to the other. Of course, if there is no policy scheduled for a particular SUG at the time then I would only see 2 active jobs to a SUG if a policy is scheduled to run and not 4 active jobs. At no time should any SUG have more than 2 active jobs. Is this even possible?
What I basically have is two NetApp devices with defined Disk Pools. These Disk Pools are in Storage Units. And the Storage Units are in Storage Unit Groups. A simple diagram is attached.
Thank you for any insight or guidance you might have.
Kind regards.