16 years agoLevel 6
Several issues on 5.1 mp7....
Master = Solaris 9, NBU 5.1 mp7
Patched environment to mp7 in preperation of migrating to 6.5.4:
Getting server failures:
1:: Jobs queueing up and staying queued with tape drives available...
2:: Getting error 213's on several media servers....
3:: bpdbm initiates every 20 mins. then dies
The following messages come up every 20 mins:
1258109653 1 2 4 cscnb01 0 0 0 *NULL* bpdbm INITIATING bpdbm: NetBackup 5.1 2008032813 on cscnb01 IDIRSTRUCT=2 (VERBOSE = 0)
1258109653 1 2 32 cscnb01 0 0 0 *NULL* bpdbm cannot get bound socket: Address already in use (125)
1258109653 1 2 4 cscnb01 0 0 0 *NULL* bpdbm bpdbm TERMINATED
Surpisingly enough this is the same time frame that the bpsched wakes up ......
I would like to clean this up prior to the upgrade.....
any idea's....
Joe Despres
Patched environment to mp7 in preperation of migrating to 6.5.4:
Getting server failures:
1:: Jobs queueing up and staying queued with tape drives available...
2:: Getting error 213's on several media servers....
3:: bpdbm initiates every 20 mins. then dies
The following messages come up every 20 mins:
1258109653 1 2 4 cscnb01 0 0 0 *NULL* bpdbm INITIATING bpdbm: NetBackup 5.1 2008032813 on cscnb01 IDIRSTRUCT=2 (VERBOSE = 0)
1258109653 1 2 32 cscnb01 0 0 0 *NULL* bpdbm cannot get bound socket: Address already in use (125)
1258109653 1 2 4 cscnb01 0 0 0 *NULL* bpdbm bpdbm TERMINATED
Surpisingly enough this is the same time frame that the bpsched wakes up ......
I would like to clean this up prior to the upgrade.....
any idea's....
Joe Despres
- Status 213 means NO stu's are available for use...
This could mean network comms problems to media servers.
Check bpsched log for evidence of the master connecting to media servers and counting UP drives.
Look for something like this:
09:12:54.546 [1556574] <2> nb_getsockconnected: host=mediaserver service=bpcd address=mediaserver-ip protocol=tcp reserved port=13782
09:12:54.546 [1556574] <2> nb_getsockconnected: Connect to mediaserver on port 544
09:12:54.546 [1556574] <2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM master-ip.544 TO mediaserver-ip.13782
09:12:54.854 [1556574] <2> start_bptm: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bptm bptm -count -cmd -rt 8 -rn 7 -stunit stunit-name -den 20 -mt 2 -masterversion 510000
09:12:54.854 [1556574] <2> start_bptm: Received BPCD success message
09:12:54.962 [1556574] <2> get_num_avail_drives: NUM UP 2 0 0 0 2 0 Drive0 Drive1
09:12:54.962 [1556574] <2> ?: available drives = 2, shared drives = 0, allow_mult_ret = 0
Verify that you have the CLEAN_IN_BACKGROUND and DISABLE_COUNTMEDIA touch-files in place.
According to the TechNote the DISABLE_COUNTMEDIA problem was fixed in 4.5, but it re-appeared in one of the 5.1 patches...
What was your patch level prior to MP7?