Forum Discussion

bkupmagic's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Should I use the same storage for OS part and Backup DB part?

We are trying to set up Linux server for the backup server, and are using NetApp storage for the both OS part and Backup data part.

We have two different type of stroage both from NetApp. One is FAS which has a lot of storage based functions, and support NFS, SnopShots, DR replications. The other one is E-series has less functions and primarily for the backup data images. Should I seperate OS and Data part , one on FAS, and the other on E, or does that matter.



  • I dont think we can answer this question for you - the answer will come down to two parts: 

    1) What do you have available?   and    2) What does the customer need? 

    For example - if you have 2 storage devices and one is more highly reliable, you might ask the customer if one dataset is more important than the other and put that on the better storage.

    From a purely technical Netbackup perspective it doesnt matter where the data goes as long as the destination is up, reachable and has available disk space.