Forum Discussion

quebek's avatar
4 years ago

SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS not taken into account


Recently I did inherit dozen of NBU domains - after some merger and was tasked to sort this environment out there. worthless to mention is that all of these are EOL ;( running 7.1.0.x families... Nonetheless it is what it is - will plan upgrades etc.

For now I am facing weird issue. I did create this file there put 256kB value in it 

PS C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config> type SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
PS C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config>

and even thought this is not being taken into the account  - in bptm logs I can see

01:14:36.435 [1144.1516] <2> read_config_file: using 65536 value from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config\SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
01:14:36.435 [1144.1516] <2> io_init: using 65536 data buffer size

01:14:39.807 [1144.1516] <2> read_config_file: using 65536 value from C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config\SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
01:14:39.807 [1144.1516] <2> io_init: using 65536 data buffer size

how come!? it was set to 262144 bytes... I am on the same media server etc.. I don't get it.. Am I missing here anything? Job was started after I did create the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS file....

  • So this OS does not like power shell - as I did from it

    echo 262144 > SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS

    and it was not working

    switched to CMD and did the same - and voila - back in business

  • So this OS does not like power shell - as I did from it

    echo 262144 > SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS

    and it was not working

    switched to CMD and did the same - and voila - back in business

    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi quebek 

      Interesting and thanks for the information - goes to show not all text files are equal!

      Looks like powershell uses a different character encoding by default (UTF-16 LE BOM) than CMD which uses UTF-8. Apparently you can change the encoding in powershell (which would allow you to use it to create the files). 

      What I found works in my environment is to change the encoding by running the following command  in the powershell:
      $PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'OEM'



      • quebek's avatar

        Hello davidmoline 

        Indeed that is the issue with PS and this encoding...

        here is outcome form GCI 

        Directory: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config

        Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
        ---- ------------- ------ ----
        ----- 7/19/2021 6:50 AM 6 NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS
        -a--- 7/20/2021 6:28 AM 9 SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
        -a--- 7/21/2021 2:58 AM 18 testfile

        both SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS and testfile are having the same string inside - check its size...

        PS C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config> Get-Content .\testfile
        PS C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config> Get-Content .\SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
        PS C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config>

        we do learn all the time... ;) thank you for follow up.