SL3000 drives on windows media server recognized as StandAlone and Robotic drives
We Have the following configuration :
- Node1,Node2 "clustered master servers" where Node2 is active
- node 2,3,4 configured as media servers on which STK SL3000 with 6 D10000D drives configured , each server have 2 HBA .
Zones is configured in the same way on the 3 servers :
Zone 1 : HBA1 PWWN , 6 tape drives WWN . "Drives Port A selected from storageTek SLC console"
Zone 2 : HBA 2 PWWN , 6 tape drives WWN . "Drives Port B selected from storageTek SLC console" , Robot WWN .
Node3 is controlling the robot , Node 2,4 are configured to access the robotic unit through remote host .
When configuring node4 using configuration wizard , the 6 tapes drives on SL3000 is seen twice :
- Once (On port 5) under robot control "Where SN is the same as seen in SLC console and as seen from node 2,3 , The target no, is the same on all hosts"
- Once (On port 6 ) as a standalone drive "strangely , Drives here have different SN from SN seen in SLC console/node2,3 and have different target no. .. that's why NBU mistakenly think it's different drives .
From O.S side I removed ghost devices for robot/drives , restarted device media manager on node 4 and 2 , robot is deteced fine on device media manager from windows , with 12 paths for the 6 drives .
Please Advise