SLP Duplication Operation
Being rather new to NetBackup, there is something I hope to clarify, with regards to monitoring duplication operations in SLPs.
In my setup, after the backup operation, I have a duplication operation scheduled.
To track the progress of the operation, I use the following CLI command:
nbstlutil stlilist -U -copy_type duplicate
This is the part where I am a little confused. The output of the command is similar to this:
Image img_0001 for Lifecycle slp_01 is IN_PROCESS Copy to copy_dest_01 of type DUPLICATE is IN_PROCESS Image img_0002 for Lifecycle slp_02 is IN_PROCESS Copy to copy_dest_02 of type DUPLICATE is IN_PROCESS Image img_0003 for Lifecycle slp_02 is IN_PROCESS Copy to copy_dest_02 of type DUPLICATE is IN_PROCESS Image img_0004 for Lifecycle slp_01 is IN_PROCESS Copy to copy_dest_01 of type DUPLICATE is IN_PROCESS Image img_0005 for Lifecycle slp_03 is IN_PROCESS Copy to copy_dest_03 of type DUPLICATE is NOT_STARTED
My question is this: Does the "Image ... IN_PROCESS" entry relate directly to the "Copy ... IN_PROCESS" entry beneath it? In other words, is the "Copy ... IN_PROCESS" entry awaiting the completion of creating the image? In that case then why is there a "Copy ... NOT_STARTED" as well? Tried searching around for how the nbstlutil entries are created but can't seem to get much from it.
Any help would be greatly beneficial. Thanks in advance!
When a SLP backup is complete, it will appear as ...
root@womble tar_logs_media $ nbstlutil stlilist -U
Image womble_1473747910 for Lifecycle womble_slp is NOT_STARTEDA few minutes later, it will show:
Image womble_1473747910 for Lifecycle womble_slp is IN_PROCESS
Copy to womble-hcart of type DUPLICATE is NOT_STARTEDThis is because, nbstserv, the process that controls SLP runs in a cycle, I think by default the cycle restarts every 10 minutes. During this time it is working on processing and batching up images for duplication.
A few minutes after that. it will move to this state
Image womble_1473747910 for Lifecycle womble_slp is IN_PROCESS
Copy to womble-hcart of type DUPLICATE is IN_PROCESS(at this point the duplication was happeneing) and finally after the duplication completes, it will show as complete.
So as long as I see an entry
Image womble_1473747910 for Lifecycle womble_slp is <STATUS>
We can presume that the backup image i.e The operation preceding the duplication has been completed and the SLP is now preparing for the duplication operation.
>>> Yes, providing all is working correctly and nothing has got 'stuck' ...
With SLP a good idea to make sure that there is no backlog building up, that is, images backing up but not duplicating. It shouldn't happen, but there are many reasons it could and it's best to catch it early if it does.