SLP Question
Hello Symantec Forums! Have (hopefully) a quick and easy question to answer.
NBU Master
NBU Media
I have two SLP policies (full & incr).
I am currently duplicating the Fulls from the 4200 to 670s (load balance setup)
I have run into a storage constraint on 670s (suprise suprise). My question is, if I modify the SLP policy to lower the fixed retention which duplicates Fulls from the 4200 to the 670s, will that apply to existing backup images on the 670s?
Hi, no if you change the retention it only affects NEW backup images not the old ones.
You would have to change the retention of old backup images using bpexpdate or from the catalog section in the admin console.
You can do it on individual images using -backupid or on the policy name which may suit you better:
bpexpdate: -recalculate [-backupid <backup id>] [-copy <number>]
[-d <mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS | 0 | infinity>] [-client <name>]
[-policy <name>] [-ret <retention level>] [-sched <type>]
[-M <master_server,...,master_server>]So, if your policy is using SLP as storage you could use below (I've used test_SLP as the policyname)
bpexpdate -recalculate -policy test_SLP -d 12/12/2018
Are you SURE you want to recalculate expiration dates on all images
that meet the following criteria:
policy test_SLPto expire on Wed Dec 12 00:00:00 2018
Continue?(y/n)yNote: this will change the expiration on all copies of the images from the test_SLP policy, just add -copy <copy_number> to the bpexpdate command if you just want to change a specific copy number.
Hope that helps