Forum Discussion

Ross_Murphy's avatar
9 years ago

SLP version change - Does it affect currently running duplication jobs?

Hello All,

I am referring to the process outlined here :

I have a large number of duplication jobs that are falling behind and I have changed added a second storage unit to a new Storage Unit Group then changing duplication target on the SLP to this new group.

Of course this does not affect the images created under the first version of the SLP. I need to edit the previous version of the SLP.

The article above is pretty straight forward on how to do that but I'm wondering if a duplication job is running at the time I modify its version will it possibly cause a failure of that job?

Assuming that: 

- The source does not change

- The current storage unit being used by the running duplication job is in the new storage unit group.

Can anyone offer a hint into what we may expect? Do we need to suspend duplication and wait for all jobs to finish before making this modification?


  • No, you don't need to suspend active duplication job. 

    When a duplication job is loaded into operation (be it queuing or running), its destination storage unit is already assigned and it will go to the one defined in "current definition". The outcome of the job is solely depend on the status of that storage unit assigned to.

    For example,  SLP1 goes to STU1 for backup then duplicate to STU2. Job1 has finished, Job2 is still running.

    Changing the SLP1 now for duplication to go to STU3, will only affect new job. Of course there must be a reason why you need to change to STU3, could be STU2 is no longer valid or having problem, then your current Job2 would fail anyway. If you happen to fix STU2 issue before Job2 finishes (failing most likely), Job2 can still be succeed.

  • No, you don't need to suspend active duplication job. 

    When a duplication job is loaded into operation (be it queuing or running), its destination storage unit is already assigned and it will go to the one defined in "current definition". The outcome of the job is solely depend on the status of that storage unit assigned to.

    For example,  SLP1 goes to STU1 for backup then duplicate to STU2. Job1 has finished, Job2 is still running.

    Changing the SLP1 now for duplication to go to STU3, will only affect new job. Of course there must be a reason why you need to change to STU3, could be STU2 is no longer valid or having problem, then your current Job2 would fail anyway. If you happen to fix STU2 issue before Job2 finishes (failing most likely), Job2 can still be succeed.