Some fixed TD unloaded media failed after its backup jobs ended successfully!
Just for sometimes, the same TD would unload media failed after its backup jobs ended successfully!
In fact, the tape media had been unloaded because I found the corresponding drive was empty via robtest!
Job detail:
10/18/2018 10:27:24 - Info nbjm(pid=16841) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=162459\
request id:{5923C0F6-D27D-11E8-8134-20900A448F0B})
10/18/2018 10:27:24 - requesting resource rzcmsdb-hcart3-robot-tld-2
10/18/2018 10:27:24 - requesting resource jchxbak.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.rzcmsdb
10/18/2018 10:27:24 - requesting resource jchxbak.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.cmsdbrst
10/18/2018 10:27:24 RB - waiting for Stop Drive Scan
10/18/2018 10:27:25 - granted resource jchxbak.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.rzcmsdb
10/18/2018 10:27:25 - granted resource jchxbak.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.cmsdbrst
10/18/2018 10:27:25 - granted resource 700076
10/18/2018 10:27:25 - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.004
10/18/2018 10:27:25 - granted resource rzcmsdb-hcart3-robot-tld-2
10/18/2018 10:27:25 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
10/18/2018 10:27:25 - Info nbjm(pid=16841) started backup (backupid=rzcmsdb_1539829645) job for client rzcmsdb\
policy cmsdbrst\
schedule full on storage unit rzcmsdb-hcart3-robot-tld-2
10/18/2018 10:27:26 - started process bpbrm (23763)
10/18/2018 10:27:26 - connecting
10/18/2018 10:27:27 - connected; connect time: 000:00:01
10/18/2018 10:27:29 - mounting 700076
10/18/2018 10:28:25 - mounted; mount time: 000:00:56
10/18/2018 10:28:25 - positioning 700076 to file 1
10/18/2018 10:28:27 - positioned; position time: 000:00:02
10/18/2018 10:28:27 - begin writing
10/18/2018 10:28:34 - end writing; write time: 000:00:07
10:27:30.147 [14863] <4> AddTldLtiReqEntry: Processing ROBOT_MOUNT request...
10:27:30.147 [14863] <2> AddTldLtiReqEntry: mount request specified Drive Name HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.004
10:27:30.147 [14863] <4> TldGetDriveForMountReq: Got drive id 9 for drive HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.004
10:27:30.147 [14863] <2> ProcessTable: found active request id 0. Child pid = 0 flags = 0 request type 1
10:27:30.147 [14863] <2> ProcessTable: ROBOT_MOUNT requested ... set this drive IN USE
10:27:30.151 [14863] <5> MountTape: TLD(2) MountTape 700076 on drive 6, from slot 216
10:27:30.151 [14863] <2> SpawnChild: TLD(2) Creating Child Process
10:27:30.189 [23775] <2> parse_tape_path: ltid request: /dev/rtape/tape122_BESTnb . Using shared memory: /dev/rtape/tape122_BESTnb
10:27:30.189 [23775] <2> parse_tape_path: Using default path
10:27:30.189 [23775] <4> io_open: Drive Path = /dev/rtape/tape122_BESTnb
10:27:30.199 [23775] <5> io_open: TLD(2) open failed in io_open, No such device or address
10:27:30.199 [23775] <5> io_open: TLD(2) unload==TRUE, but no unload, drive 6 (device 9)
10:27:30.201 [23775] <2> file_to_addrinfo: ../../libvlibs/vnet_addrinfo.c.5661: 0: fopen() failed: 2 0x00000002
10:27:30.201 [23775] <2> file_to_addrinfo: ../../libvlibs/vnet_addrinfo.c.5662: 0: fopen() failed: /usr/openv/var/host_cache/1a7/1ae1d1a7+tldcd,1,40,2,1,0+jchxbak.txt
10:27:30.231 [23775] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
10:27:30.231 [23775] <2> robotd_connect: Not using VxSS authentication.
10:28:24.321 [23775] <5> atl_main: TLD(2) [23775] waited 41 seconds for ready, drive 6
10:28:24.321 [23775] <4> TldChildExit: Child process terminated normally
10:28:24.343 [14863] <5> GetResponseStatus: DecodeMount: TLD(2) drive 6, Actual status: STATUS_SUCCESS
10:28:45.910 [14863] <4> AddTldLtiReqEntry: Processing ROBOT_DISMOUNT request...
10:28:45.910 [14863] <2> ProcessTable: found active request id -1. Child pid = 0 flags = 0 request type 3
10:28:45.910 [14863] <5> DismountTape: TLD(2) DismountTape 700076 from drive 6
10:28:45.910 [14863] <2> SpawnChild: TLD(2) Creating Child Process
10:28:45.914 [23801] <2> parse_tape_path: ltid request: /dev/rtape/tape122_BESTnb . Using shared memory: /dev/rtape/tape122_BESTnb
10:28:45.914 [23801] <2> parse_tape_path: Using default path
10:28:45.914 [23801] <4> io_open: Drive Path = /dev/rtape/tape122_BESTnb
10:29:08.062 [23801] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
10:29:08.063 [23801] <2> robotd_connect: Not using VxSS authentication.
10:29:18.446 [23801] <16> TldChildExit: Child process terminated abnormally with error 10
10:29:18.459 [14863] <5> GetResponseStatus: DecodeDismount: TLD(2) drive 6, Actual status: Unable to SCSI unload drive
10:28:44.909 [23800] <2> nbjm_media_request: Job control returned to BPTM
10:28:44.910 [23800] <2> drivename_open: Called with Create 1, file HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.004
10:28:44.910 [23800] <2> drivename_lock: lock established
10:28:44.910 [23800] <4> create_tpreq_file: symlink to path /dev/rtape/tape122_BESTnb
10:28:44.910 [23800] <2> drivename_write: Called with mode 2
10:28:44.916 [23800] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release)
10:28:44.916 [23800] <2> really_tpunmount: tpunmount'ing /usr/openv/netbackup/db/media/tpreq/drive_HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.004
10:28:45.910 [23800] <2> tapelib: wait_for_ltid, UnMount, timeout 2400
10:29:19.570 [23800] <2> send_MDS_msg: OP_STATUS 0 394188 rzcmsdb 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 0
10:29:19.581 [23800] <2> send_operation_error: Decoded status = 10 from 2
10:29:19.582 [23800] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host jchxbak, query type 1
10:29:19.584 [23800] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
10:29:19.584 [23800] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 17
10:29:19.590 [23800] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
10:29:19.591 [23800] <16> really_tpunmount: error unloading media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
10:29:19.591 [23800] <4> create_tpreq_file: symlink to path /dev/rtape/tape122_BESTnb
10:29:19.596 [23800] <2> process_tapealert: TapeAlert returned 0x00000000 0x00000000 (from tapealert_and_release)
10:29:19.602 [23800] <2> tapealert_and_release: report_attr, fl1 0x00000001, fl2 0x00000000
10:29:19.607 [23800] <2> tapealert_and_release: SCSI RELEASE
10:29:19.607 [23800] <2> drivename_unlock: unlocked
10:29:19.607 [23800] <2> drivename_close: Called for file HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.004
10:29:19.608 [23800] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 174] to NBJM
10:29:19.608 [23800] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 174 <----------