SQL Backup Using Alternate Tapes
Hi, I have a MS-SQL-Server policy configured to backup 30 databases on one SQL server.
The backups run fine apart form using two tapes. The parent job kicks off and runs the first database backup on one tape. When this is complete, the second database backup starts but insists on using a different tape drive and a different tape. When this backup completes, the third database backup starts and uses the same drive and tape used for the first database backup.
The problems I have is the whole backup takes along time loading and unloading tapes and uses two tapes rather than one.
Multiplexing is set to 1 on the Storage Unit and the Schedule. All SQL Policies have the same problem.
Anyone any ideas?
Hi Michal,
I found a solution to this problem after a lot of faffing around. The two drives that were being used for these backups were marked in NetBackup as 'Needs Cleaning'. I ran D:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin\tpclean -M on the two drives the fault disappeared.
(The drives are in an IBM3500 library which manages it's own drive cleaning but for some reaseon NetBackup assumed they still needed tpclean running.)