Forum Discussion

pmj1's avatar
Level 2
3 years ago

SSL - Media Server to Scality S3

SSL  ...  Netbackup <-> Netbackup

I am unable to find the correct procedure to create an SSL connection between a Netbackup 9.1 media server and Scality S3 RING. 

I am only able to create a non-SSL connection ok and use this for backups (i.e see picture below used during the creation of storage server)


I can find no documentation on the procedure. A colleague gave a flippant comment suggesting I need to create a "CA .pem key" and pass to the Scality team to allow them to enable SSL, but was unable to provide any further detail.

Can anyone provide help to what steps I need to do (detailed procedure if possible??) 

The netbackup environment is isolated from the Internet so any keys would need to have the Netbackup master as the CA.

Thanks for any help

5 Replies

  • Hi pmj1 

    While I have no experience with Scality, try unchecking the "Check Certificate Revocation" as that often helps get the connection working with SSL for other cloud vendors.

    If that doesn't work, I suspect your best bet would be to log a support case and ask them for assistance. What you are trying to do is supported, so it should work.


    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      Other questions also come to mind.

      • What are you using the cloud storage for?
      • What is the operating system of the media server and is this supported for the use above?
      • Do you have all the connection details and have you verified that you have nothing blocking the connection from the media server?


      • pmj1's avatar
        Level 2


        - cloud storage will be used for long term backup retention
        - media server : redhat 8
        - there are no firewalls between media server & Scality.

        I have checked port 443 and currently the Scality team have not enabled it as yet.

        The issue is that the people managing this Scality service tell me that they will not enable the port without me first supplying CA "keys". Unfortunately, I have no documentation regarding providing this. I guess I need Scality to provide more detail.



    • pmj1's avatar
      Level 2

      unchecking the "Check Certificate Revocation" had no affect. I'll try to get a case raised with Scality
