Forum Discussion

zeusmen's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago

Sun Storedge C2 Trouble Shooting / Veritas

Hi all

I am completely new to STOREDGE and VERITAS.

I have a very old SUN STOREDGE C2 connected to a V440 Server (Solaris 10)

The sysadmin in charge of the STOREDGE is convinced that the STOREDGE is "dead", how can we prove or deny that?

Symptoms are:

- It is not funcionning, backups are not realized

- VERITAS proble logs is full of:

04/07/2010 00:02:50 ivcarc Error 0 General [3] backup of client ivcmed, policy Full_Backup_Mediation, is suspended: exceeded configured number of tries for a schedule
04/07/2010 00:02:50 ivcarc Error 0 General [3] backup of client ivcmed, policy Mediation_CDRs-test, is suspended: exceeded configured number of tries for a schedule
04/07/2010 00:12:50 ivcarc Error 0 General [3] backup of client ivcmed, policy Full_Backup_Mediation, is suspended: exceeded configured number of tries for a schedule
04/07/2010 00:12:50 ivcarc Error 0 General [3] backup of client ivcmed, policy Mediation_CDRs-test, is suspended: exceeded configured number of tries for a schedule
04/07/2010 00:22:50 ivcarc Error 0 General [3] backup of client ivcmed, policy Full_Backup_Mediation, is suspended: exceeded configured number of tries for a schedule

- VERITAS report is full of:

04/07/2010 02:00:27 ivcarc 0 Error error unloading media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
04/07/2010 02:12:17 ivcarc 0 Error error unloading media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
04/07/2010 02:12:37 ivcarc 0 Error error unloading media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
04/07/2010 02:23:17 ivcarc 0 Error error unloading media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
04/07/2010 02:42:17 ivcarc 0 Error error unloading media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
04/07/2010 09:00:04 ivcarc ivcmed 41610 Error error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed


# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c1::21000000879d7044 disk connected configured unknown
c1::21000000879d7390 disk connected configured unknown
c2 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c2::rmt/0 tape connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t0l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t0l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t1l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t1l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t2l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t2l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t3l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t3l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t4l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t4l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t5l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t5l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t6l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c2::sg/c0t6l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c3 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t0l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t0l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t1l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t1l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t2l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t2l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t3l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t3l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t4l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t4l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t5l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t5l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t6l0 unknown connected configured unknown
c3::sg/c1t6l1 unknown connected configured unknown
c4 fc-private connected configured unknown
c4::216000c0ff89289d disk connected configured failed
c5 fc connected unconfigured unknown
usb0/1 usb-device connected configured ok
usb0/2 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/3 unknown empty unconfigured ok
usb0/4 unknown empty unconfigured ok
  • I can see that the tape drive was visible at boot time, but there's no mention of the library:

    Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@8,700000/scsi@3/st@5,0 (st5): Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc <HP Ultrium LTO 3> Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc scsi: [ID 193665] st5 at mpt0: target 5 lun 0 Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc genunix: [ID 936769] st5 is /pci@8,700000/scsi@3/st@5,0
    Devices seem to be scsi attached? If so, please shutdown the server, at the ok prompt type in reset-all; break boot with STOP-A (or similar command from ALOM).
    At ok prompt, type probe-scsi-all.
    Verify that robot and drive is visible at this point. If not, check cables, terminators, etc.
    If not visible, call your hardware vendor.
    If visible, boot -rv.
    Once booted, check if robot is visible to O/S and NBU:

    Please also do the following to increase logging of device-related messages to /var/adm/messages:
    vi /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf
    (add the following entry on a new line:)

    Stop/start NBU.
  • Check /var/adm/messages for errors
    Check output of /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan
    Test mounts/dismounts using robtest (  )
  • Hi,

    #more /var/adm/messages

    Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc pseudo: [ID 129642] pseudo-device: wrsmd14
    Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc genunix: [ID 936769] wrsmd14 is /pseudo/wrsmd@14
    Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc pseudo: [ID 129642] pseudo-device: wrsmd15
    Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc genunix: [ID 936769] wrsmd15 is /pseudo/wrsmd@15
    May  5 15:14:17 ivcarc genunix: [ID 408789 kern.warning] WARNING: ce0: fault detected external to device; service degraded
    May  5 15:14:17 ivcarc genunix: [ID 451854 kern.warning] WARNING: ce0: xcvr addr:0x01 - link down
    May  5 15:14:19 ivcarc genunix: [ID 408789 kern.notice] NOTICE: ce0: fault cleared external to device; service available
    May  5 15:14:19 ivcarc genunix: [ID 451854 kern.notice] NOTICE: ce0: xcvr addr:0x01 - link up 100 Mbps full duplex
    May  5 16:18:32 ivcarc genunix: [ID 408789 kern.warning] WARNING: ce0: fault detected external to device; service degraded
    May  5 16:18:32 ivcarc genunix: [ID 451854 kern.warning] WARNING: ce0: xcvr addr:0x01 - link down
    May  5 16:24:21 ivcarc genunix: [ID 408789 kern.notice] NOTICE: ce0: fault cleared external to device; service available
    May  5 16:24:21 ivcarc genunix: [ID 451854 kern.notice] NOTICE: ce0: xcvr addr:0x01 - link up 100 Mbps full duplex
    May  5 16:24:32 ivcarc genunix: [ID 408789 kern.warning] WARNING: ce0: fault detected external to device; service degraded
    May  5 16:24:32 ivcarc genunix: [ID 451854 kern.warning] WARNING: ce0: xcvr addr:0x01 - link down
    May  5 16:24:35 ivcarc genunix: [ID 408789 kern.notice] NOTICE: ce0: fault cleared external to device; service available
    May  5 16:24:35 ivcarc genunix: [ID 451854 kern.notice] NOTICE: ce0: xcvr addr:0x01 - link up 100 Mbps full duplex
    May  5 16:24:39 ivcarc genunix: [ID 408789 kern.warning] WARNING: ce0: fault detected external to device; service degraded
    May  5 16:24:39 ivcarc genunix: [ID 451854 kern.warning] WARNING: ce0: xcvr addr:0x01 - link down
    May  5 16:26:57 ivcarc genunix: [ID 408789 kern.notice] NOTICE: ce0: fault cleared external to device; service available
    May  5 16:26:57 ivcarc genunix: [ID 451854 kern.notice] NOTICE: ce0: xcvr addr:0x01 - link up 100 Mbps full duplex

  • I can see that the tape drive was visible at boot time, but there's no mention of the library:

    Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc scsi: [ID 365881] /pci@8,700000/scsi@3/st@5,0 (st5): Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc <HP Ultrium LTO 3> Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc scsi: [ID 193665] st5 at mpt0: target 5 lun 0 Apr 30 18:12:01 ivcarc genunix: [ID 936769] st5 is /pci@8,700000/scsi@3/st@5,0
    Devices seem to be scsi attached? If so, please shutdown the server, at the ok prompt type in reset-all; break boot with STOP-A (or similar command from ALOM).
    At ok prompt, type probe-scsi-all.
    Verify that robot and drive is visible at this point. If not, check cables, terminators, etc.
    If not visible, call your hardware vendor.
    If visible, boot -rv.
    Once booted, check if robot is visible to O/S and NBU:

    Please also do the following to increase logging of device-related messages to /var/adm/messages:
    vi /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf
    (add the following entry on a new line:)

    Stop/start NBU.