I would like to share the bptm and bpcd logs
17:46:08.289 [3744.6088] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1287741957 -jm
17:46:08.289 [3744.6088] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM
17:46:08.289 [3744.6088] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <----------
17:56:08.172 [6104.5932] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1287741958 -jm
17:56:08.172 [6104.5932] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM
17:56:08.172 [6104.5932] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <----------
18:06:08.174 [5048.5792] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1287741959 -jm
18:06:08.174 [5048.5792] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM
18:06:08.174 [5048.5792] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <----------
18:16:08.305 [5508.4828] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1287741960 -jm
18:16:08.305 [5508.4828] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM
18:16:08.305 [5508.4828] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <----------
18:26:08.184 [5076.5408] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1287741961 -jm
18:26:08.184 [5076.5408] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM
18:26:08.184 [5076.5408] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <----------
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> setup_debug_log: switched debug log file for bpcd
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> bpcd main: VERBOSE = 0
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> logparams: bpcd
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 560
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: offset to GMT -18000
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: setup_sockopts complete
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TPSBKP.tpsonline.com ( port 51092
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tpsbkp and TPSBKP.tpsonline.com
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: output socket port number = 1
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: Duplicated vnetd socket on stderr
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: <---- NetBackup 7.0 0 ------------initiated
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: VERBOSE = 0
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: Not using VxSS authentication with TPSBKP.tpsonline.com
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_NB_VERSION_RQST
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <4> process_requests: Version string is NetBackup 7.0 700000 "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin"
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_BE_VERSION_RQST
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <4> process_requests: Backup Exec Config key not found.
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <4> process_requests: Version string is NetBackup 7.0 700000 "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin"
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
18:25:25.114 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_READ_HOST_CONFIG_RQST
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_PRIVILEGES_RQST
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_UNAME_RQST
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_SYSNAME = Windows2008
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_NODENAME = TPSBKP
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_RELEASE = 6
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_VERSION = 0
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_MACHINE = Intel x86 - Intel Pentium Pro - Revision x170a
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> getUnameInfo: END
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> process_requests: BPCD_DISCONNECT_RQST
18:25:25.129 [4268.5600] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0 ----------->exiting
18:25:26.065 [5364.5644] <2> setup_debug_log: switched debug log file for bpcd
18:25:26.065 [5364.5644] <2> bpcd main: VERBOSE = 0
18:25:26.065 [5364.5644] <2> logparams: bpcd
18:25:26.065 [5364.5644] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 556
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: offset to GMT -18000
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: setup_sockopts complete
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TPSBKP.tpsonline.com ( port 51107
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tpsbkp and TPSBKP.tpsonline.com
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: output socket port number = 1
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: Duplicated vnetd socket on stderr
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: <---- NetBackup 7.0 0 ------------initiated
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: VERBOSE = 0
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: Not using VxSS authentication with TPSBKP.tpsonline.com
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
18:25:26.081 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_READ_HOST_CONFIG_RQST
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_NB_VERSION_RQST
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <4> process_requests: Version string is NetBackup 7.0 700000 "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin"
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_UNAME_RQST
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_SYSNAME = Windows2008
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_NODENAME = TPSBKP
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_RELEASE = 6
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_VERSION = 0
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_MACHINE = Intel x86 - Intel Pentium Pro - Revision x170a
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> getUnameInfo: END
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_READ_TEXT_FILE_RQST
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2278: file_id = 3
18:25:26.096 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2326: file_name = <C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\version.txt>
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2350: v status = 0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2353: n status = 0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2401: v status = 0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2404: n status = 0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_READ_TEXT_FILE_RQST
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2278: file_id = 4
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2326: file_name = <C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\share\ciphers.txt>
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2350: v status = 0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2353: n status = 0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2401: v status = 0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> read_text_file: .\bpcd_util.c.2404: n status = 0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_OPEN_FOR_READ_RQST
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: open for read file name = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\version.txt
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: buffer length = 16383
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: our open flags = 0x0
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: client open flags = 0x8000
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: file size = 109
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: completed the write of the open file number 4 to the output socket
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_READ_RQST
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: read request on file number 4
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: read request of 16383 bytes
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: read 109 bytes
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: Before write of read_count = 109
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: After write of read_count
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: completed write of file info
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_CLOSE_FILE_RQST
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> process_requests: BPCD_DISCONNECT_RQST
18:25:26.112 [5364.5644] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0 ----------->exiting
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> setup_debug_log: switched debug log file for bpcd
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> bpcd main: VERBOSE = 0
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> logparams: bpcd
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 556
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: offset to GMT -18000
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: setup_sockopts complete
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TPSBKP.tpsonline.com ( port 51115
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tpsbkp and TPSBKP.tpsonline.com
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: output socket port number = 1
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: Duplicated vnetd socket on stderr
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: <---- NetBackup 7.0 0 ------------initiated
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: VERBOSE = 0
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: Not using VxSS authentication with TPSBKP.tpsonline.com
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: BPCD_OPEN_FOR_READ_RQST
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: open for read file name = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\LoginBanner.conf
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: buffer length = 32766
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: our open flags = 0x0
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: client open flags = 0x8000
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <16> process_requests: couldn't open file for read. errno = 2: No such file or directory
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> process_requests: BPCD_DISCONNECT_RQST
18:25:26.315 [6004.6084] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0 ----------->exiting
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> setup_debug_log: switched debug log file for bpcd
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> bpcd main: VERBOSE = 0
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> logparams: bpcd
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 556
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: offset to GMT -18000
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: setup_sockopts complete
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TPSBKP.tpsonline.com ( port 51141
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tpsbkp and TPSBKP.tpsonline.com
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
18:26:08.059 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: output socket port number = 1
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: Duplicated vnetd socket on stderr
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: <---- NetBackup 7.0 0 ------------initiated
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: VERBOSE = 0
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: Not using VxSS authentication with TPSBKP.tpsonline.com
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: BPCD_FORK_CMD_RQST
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: fork cmd = /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bptm bptm -rptdrv -jobid -1287741961 -jm
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: filter type = -1
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: Convert args to CreateProcess format
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: Done converting args to CreateProcess format
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: new fork cmd = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bptm.exe -rptdrv -jobid -1287741961 -jm
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: Before CreateProcess
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: StdOutput assigned the value STDOUTSOCK
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: final fork cmd = "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bptm.exe" -rptdrv -jobid -1287741961 -jm
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> process_requests: After CreateProcess, pid = 5076
18:26:08.075 [4992.5404] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0 ----------->exiting