Tape drives getting down frequently
HI ,
we have netbackup 7.1 in our environment, and for the past few days 3 drives gets down frequetly. i have checked in TL drive status, it shows green and healthy.
i use teh command tpconfig -update -drive 8 -drstatus UP to bring the drive up. it works fine for one day and the next day it goes down again.
any suggestion what could have gone wrong, i have tried reconfiguring but still its the same..
NBU will DOWN a drive for various reasons -
- hardware (TapeAlert) errors reported by the drive firmware
- incorrect mapping between robotic drive numbers and OS device names
- operators opening robot door and manually inserting tapes. When drive needs to unload, the robot finds the slot occupied and drive cannot unload
- 3 I/O errors in 12 hours
- etc...
To know exact reason why drives are going DOWN in your environment, you need to enable logs:
Add VERBOSE entry to /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf on all media servers and restart NBU.
Create bptm log folder under /usr/openv/netbackup/logsNBU will now log Media Manager info/errors to syslog (/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log)
NBU I/O will be logged in bptm log.Next time a tape drive is DOWN'ed, the exact reason will be logged in syslog.
Search the log for DOWN, then read the couple of lines above to see what happened.Some reading matter:
How Symantec NetBackup determines if a tape should be frozen or the status of a tape drive should be changed to down, and how to change this behaviour
http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH9748Troubleshooting Robot or Drive Issues in NetBackup