Forum Discussion

kingbobyjr's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

tape not accessible after moving to robot from standalone

Hi all, 

I'm getting the dreaded 96 error message, storage unit has none available.  It does indeed have none for the volume pool the backup job ios running.  I do have available tapes in standalone.

I move the tape from standalone to tld (via gui) but its never accesible.  I see the job trying to access it but it always errors out.  I have tried to update the inventory but it always wsants to send the tape back to standalone.

Any ideas?

  • Marianne's avatar
    5 years ago


    Standalone means that the tape is not physically in the robot. 
    It is stored 'somewhere safe' - sometimes offsite at a warehouse.

    Someone needs to know where exactly this tape (and other standalone tapes) are stored, and then physically put it in the robot. There is no other way to get tapes moved from standalone to robotic. 

    So, if you don't have physicall access and cannot go onsite, there is no way that the tapes can get back into the library. 

    Now more than ever we see how tape is becoming obsolete, and that customers need appropriate disk storage that is always available, always online...

  • Without a detailed show/dump of exact configuration then the root cause could be one or more of many reasons.

    Is this a new build?  Has it ever worked?  What changed recently?  Are the problem tapes new tapes?

    Can you describe your config in more detail?

    If I asked you for the output from "tpautoconf -report_disc" would you know how to capture that?

    • kingbobyjr's avatar
      Level 3

      This is an old build that I am trying to maintain as they got rid of the person who know Netbackup.

      I have never tried to move a tape from Standalone to LTD no idea if it has ever worked.  The tapes are not new.  Nothing changed in the enviorment.  When I move the tape from standalone to LTD and then run Compare Contents for TLD(0) with volume config, the tape in questions shows what I have attached.  If I try to Update volume conifg, it wants to send it back to Standalone.

      I ran tpautoconf -report_disc and there wasn't any output...I also tried to capture the output to a txt file but it was empty.

      What kind of deatils would you like about our enviorment?

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        You should not really use the NetBackup GUI. 

        The GUI does a 'logical' update without physically moving the tape. 

        Did you open the robot door to physically put the tape in slot 82? 
        The screenshot that you posted shows 'No' in the 1st column. Seems the robot believes that the slot is empty? 

        As per sclind , you need to Inventory the robot in the GUI so that NBU updates the logical config with the robot's physical config.