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fefab's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

the requested operation was partially successful(1)

Hi All,


Netbackup on top of Windows server 2003

File Server on Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 SP2

This is my first post and hope to find and get answers. I have found related documents and/or  similar to what I have questions about, but have no solution.

I am getting the following everyday when backup runs on this client. Files that cant be accessed are different everday.

WRN - can't open file: D:\Users\NECOE\Season 8 2013\Monday Reports\wk45\~$KIDS Product Report - Planning Market - CA w45.xlsx (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
WRN - can't open file: D:\Users\TRDAN\My Documents\~$2014VISUALGOALS(edit).pptx (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
WRN - can't open file: D:\Users\matua\My Documents\2013\~$remaining bore 11.13.13.xlsx (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )

 WRN - can't open file: D:\Groups\Everyone\08 - Function Heads\~$2013_CANADA_GOALS_security_Q3_update_2.pptx (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )

Most inquiries about this have been related to either SQL documents, or VSS which is not the case with this. They are mainly .doc, .xlsx, .pptx etc

Backup Policy type: MS-Windows

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



  • what is the snapshot method slected for the clients?

    in Host properites--> Master server--> client attributes--><client name>

    does it selected as disable and contuinue...?

    what is the output of vssadm list writers in client

6 Replies

  • what is the snapshot method slected for the clients?

    in Host properites--> Master server--> client attributes--><client name>

    does it selected as disable and contuinue...?

    what is the output of vssadm list writers in client

  • I am with Nagalla on this - usually VSS will be able to capture those open files (sometime it cannot with files such as windows update logs and pst's) but as long as VSS is working it should do

    By default the client should not be in the Client attributes section but it may be historical

    Also important is the client version - if earlier than 7.5 then it may still be using VSP in which case it is worth adding it to the cleint attributes section and forcing it to use VSS and not VSP - and certainly worth upgrading it to match your Master / Media Servers

  • As suggested plz do verify which snapshot medthod is selected for the client under windows open file backup .

    If not VSS is enabled,can u plz try the backup by enabling VSS

  • in earlier versions of NetBackup the default was VSP and I had to change the setting using bpclient in a for-loop


    DOCUMENTATION: How to enable or disable Veritas Snapshot Provider (VSP) from the command line.

    bpclient -client< client_name> -L

    If this command returns a message "bpclient: no entity was found (227)", none of the client options for that client have been configured and the default Windows Open File Backup settings are used. The default settings are: VSP enabled, Individual snapshots, and Abort on error

    I was just motivated to check our current NetBackup environment where most all of the clients have NetBackup 7.0.1 installed and found this:

    for i in `bpplclients -allunique -noheader | grep -i window | awk '{print $3}' | sort`; do bpclient -client $i -L | grep -i vsp; done

    bpclient: no entity was found (227)
    bpclient: no entity was found (227)
    bpclient: no entity was found (227)
    bpclient: no entity was found (227)

    Now I just need to change the grep to an egrep so I can get the name of the clients with VSP enabled. Once a client is set to VSP it will sit there fat, dumb and stupid until you manually change it from the master server client attributes or the bpclient command.

  • I think that was it! "Enable Windows Open File Backups For this client" was not set. i have enabled it.

    I will run a diff now and verify. It should be it as I have many more clients with this setting with the exception of the one in question.


    Many Thanks

  • That was it! "Enable Windows Open File Backups For this client" was not set. i have enabled it.

    I ran a diff and it was successful!


    Many Thanks for the prompt responses!!