the requested operation was partially successful(1)
Hi All,
Netbackup on top of Windows server 2003
File Server on Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 SP2
This is my first post and hope to find and get answers. I have found related documents and/or similar to what I have questions about, but have no solution.
I am getting the following everyday when backup runs on this client. Files that cant be accessed are different everday.
WRN - can't open file: D:\Users\NECOE\Season 8 2013\Monday Reports\wk45\~$KIDS Product Report - Planning Market - CA w45.xlsx (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
WRN - can't open file: D:\Users\TRDAN\My Documents\~$2014VISUALGOALS(edit).pptx (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
WRN - can't open file: D:\Users\matua\My Documents\2013\~$remaining bore 11.13.13.xlsx (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
WRN - can't open file: D:\Groups\Everyone\08 - Function Heads\~$2013_CANADA_GOALS_security_Q3_update_2.pptx (WIN32 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. )
Most inquiries about this have been related to either SQL documents, or VSS which is not the case with this. They are mainly .doc, .xlsx, .pptx etc
Backup Policy type: MS-Windows
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
what is the snapshot method slected for the clients?
in Host properites--> Master server--> client attributes--><client name>
does it selected as disable and contuinue...?
what is the output of vssadm list writers in client