Too many incomplete SLP
There is more than 1,000 SLP jobs incompletes, when I list them:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbstlutil stlilist -image_incomplete -l
Its a sample of the command:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbstlutil stlilist -image_incomplete -l |more
V7.6.0 I XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_1645755458 MSDP-Tape30-Exadata 2
V7.6.0 C SL150 1 1
V7.6.0 I XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_1645767872 MSDP-Tape30-Exadata 2
V7.6.0 C SL150 1 1
V7.6.0 I XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_1645789323 MSDP-Tape30-Exadata 2
V7.6.0 C SL150 1 1
What is the status of field 11 of the SLP's (1=NOT_STARTED, 2=IN_PROCESS, 3=COMPLETE, 0=NOT_MANAGED) ?
See :
If you have a lot of status 1 "NOT_STARTED", you systems is likely loading more data to the MSDP than can be stages to tape, meaning SLP jobs are piling up. Remember stage to tape is a full rehydration of data
Try to:
- Optimize tape writing by adjusting NUMER_DATA_BUFFERS and SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
- Backup at night, run tape writing job during the day. Don't mix write and read jobs, performance will do down
- Monitor SLP backlog as part of regular system monitoring.