Forum Discussion

knbu's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

TS3500 robot configuration


I am using TS3500 tape library with 2 robots in redundancy passion. I have solaris 11 os & would like to configuer the robot. Can anybody help me for the steps and also i want to know is that 2 robot i can use as robot1 & robot 2 after configuration.

My robotic library is having 24 drives currently 1frame=12 drives

  • You could configure two control paths to the drive, and enable multi-path to the robot (which most oddly is done through robtest),

    This would be done on each logical partition.

    Device config guide contains the steps.


  • Hi,

    you will have to configure the library to OS first and then you will have to check how many Medium changer and drives you are able to to see at the OS level.

    you can view that from following command


    also you can configure the devices in NBU from the Device configure wizard from Master server.

    if scan command finds two medium changer then NBU will configure to robots automatically. just follow the Device configure wizard carefully 

    Make sure devices need to be configured properly at the OS level first.


  • Thanks Pritesh, I want to ask one more question. On my master server i have assigned 2 dedicated drives on which i am configuring the medium changer or robot. My question is if that drive(master server) got failed(not robotic path) is that impact or affect all other configuered drives ?


  • If a drive alone fails, then only tat drive is affected.  If the drive is shared between media servers (SSO) then of course it waould be 'failed' on all media servers that use it.

    It will not affect anything else.

    If however the drive was the 'control path' for the robot, then depending on what fault it has, it could make the robot fail, which would affect all the drives in that partition.

    Changing the control path to a orkin drive, and a quick reconfig would get things working again.

  • Thanks Martin, But in this scenario my Production is always in Toss, If the drive went wrong where the Medium changer is working all other drives & robot operation get affetced. So do we have any alternative or any other solution instead of reconfiguring the medium changer onto the new drive.

  • You could configure two control paths to the drive, and enable multi-path to the robot (which most oddly is done through robtest),

    This would be done on each logical partition.

    Device config guide contains the steps.
