Unable to Add a Tape Robotic Library to Media Server
Hi All,
we are trying to readd tapelibrary using device configuration wizard, it is showing detecting.
when we try to add robot manually,we are getting below error.
we can able to see robot at os level,below are the outputs of scan and tpautoconf
tpautoconf output :
# tpautoconf -r
TPAC60 HP MSL6480 5.10 DECxxxxxxxx -1 -1 -1 -1 /dev/sg646 -
#scan -changer
Device Name : "/dev/sg646"
Passthru Name: "/dev/sg646"
Volume Header: ""
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry : "HP MSL6480 5.10"
Vendor ID : "HP "
Product ID : "MSL6480 "
Product Rev: "5.10"
Serial Number: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
WWN : ""
WWN Id Type : 0
Device Identifier: "HP MSL6480 xxxxxxxxxxx1"
Device Type : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-5
Number of Drives : 6
Number of Slots : 110
Number of Media Access Ports: 10
Drive 1 Serial Number : "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Drive 2 Serial Number : "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Drive 3 Serial Number : "xxxxxxxxxxx"
Drive 4 Serial Number :"xxxxxxxxxxx"
Drive 5 Serial Number : "xxxxxxxxxx"
Drive 6 Serial Number : "xxxxxxxxxxx"
Flags : 0x0
when i try to add robot with tpconfig , iam getting below error
#tpconfig -add -robot 12 -robtype TLD -robpath /dev/sg646
Cannot add robot to device configuration: Incomplete robot information
Failed adding robot number 12 of type TLD to configuration.
Have you checked the following?
- Device Compatibility list for 7.6:
https://www.veritas.com/content/support/en_US/doc/NB_76_HCL - Updated Device Mappings:
(Not sure if the latest version will work with NBU 7.6) - Correct license keys:
Enterprise Server and Library Based tape drive - Comms between master and media server
Can you config and use disk STU as a test?
*** EDIT ***
I just had a look at your error message in the Status Code manual :
Message: Incomplete robot information
Explanation: On a request to change the device configuration, some of the required
robot information was not specified.
Recommended Action: Check the command usage and reissue the request with
all required robot information specified.Looking at tpconfig command reference: https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/doc/123533878-127136857-0/v123555474-127136857
-robtype robtypeRobot type can be any of the following for NetBackup server:
tl4 for tape library 4mm
tl8 for tape library 8mm
tld for tape library DLTNote that 'tld' is lowercase.
Please try that after you have checked everything else.- Device Compatibility list for 7.6:
Have you had a look the 4 points in my previous post?
Can you confirm that comms is working fine between master and media server?
What do these commands show w.r.t this media server?
nbemmcmd -get_emmserver
nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose