Forum Discussion

Riadh_R17's avatar
Level 4
2 months ago

Unable to add MSDP storage server to replication target in a different domain

in order to configure replication using SLP from prod domain (flex appliance 5260) to DR domain (flex appliance 5260) we get an error while adding the replication target across different domain in storage servers under credentials 

the error message is the following between "": 

" Error in configuring drmedia.local as replication target fpr prodmedia.local: system call failed 11"

the communication between two masters and medias in both domains is ok 

ports 1556, 13724, 10082, 10102 are open in bidirectional

dr primary server is added in the host propriety of the prod primary server and the prod primary server is also added in the host propriety of the dr primary server.

any idea guys ?


  • Hey

    Could you please share what documentation did you follow?

    By any chance did you see this:

  • Hey

    Could you please share what documentation did you follow?

    By any chance did you see this:

    • Riadh_R17's avatar
      Level 4

      The link you provided was helpful and i was able to successfull configured the replication.

  • In a nutshell, you have to go through the following steps:

    • Establish trust from source/prod domain to target/dr domain
      • This will require exchanging certificates
    • On the target media server in your target/dr domain, you'll need to get a certificate from the source/prod primary server
    • In the target/dr domain, create an SLP with the first step being an Import task
      • You can add other child tasks if you need to for your business needs
    • In the source/dr domain, create an SLP with the first step to be a backup to the local MSDP media server and then a child task that is a Replication task.
    • Assign this SLP to your policies in the source/prod domain

    That technote highlighted by quebek has all the details for each step.  It is for NBU version 9.1 but the basic steps and commands haven't changed.