Forum Discussion

Vickie's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Unable to connect to the selected NetBackup host ""

Hi All,

Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4)
X86 Family 6 Model 10 Sepping
NBU Master server version 6.5.6

NetBackup console is not opening, giving below error.

Unable to connect to the selected NetBackup host ""

1. Make sure the user "admin" has privileges on the host.

2. Make sure the local host is......

and some more points, can be find in attached screen shot.

Below is what I tried.....

1) Restart the services, Console opens...but after some time getting same error.
2) During bpdown, failed to stop some demon. Killed them manually.
3) Not able to stop bpdbm, getting permission issue.
4) Name resolution ok (nslookup, reverse nslookup)
5) Checked in registery, name is defined accurately.
6) Put the entry in HOSTS file.

Please assist if anyone has faced such issue earlier.

I know that 6.5.6 is EOL, but cant upgrade to 7.x as server is windows2000. But still the things are in progress to upgrade the hardware first then the NBU.

  • @Vickie,

    bpclntcmd -pn, is telling you that your registry SERVER entry is correct. (MASTERSERVER)
    bpclntcmd -self, is telling you that your client information is different. (MASTERSERVER.XXX.COM)

    • NOTE 1: NetBackup is case sensitive, so the entries should match what's reported in 'nbemmcmd -listhosts'

    Please check your registry Client_Name entry is using MASTERSERVER, and your hosts file entry matches the 'nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose' output:

            MachineName = "MASTERSERVER"
            FQName = ""

    So the hosts file entry should look something like this:     MASTERSERVER

    After making changes, be sure to restart NetBackup services. ('bpdown -f -v' ⇒ 'bpps' ⇒ 'bpup -f -v')

    • NOTE 2: Make sure your client name in the policy also matches, since it looked like it was all lower case FQDN in the detailed status, if I remember correctly.

    (Also Reference: Explanation of bpclntcmd options and recommended troubleshooting when the commands return errors. - TECH50198)