Unable to expand mailboxes with GRT restores
e have a single Exchange 2016 server running as a virtual machine which we backup using a vmware policy with Exchange GRT and log truncation enabled. The backup completes fine as does the ASC but we're unable to expand the database to see the individual mesages when we request the restore (either from the master server or directly from the client)
The Exchange server has the NFS client, version 8.1 of the NBU client and the Veritas VSS installed and the Master server is an NBU Appliance running 3.1. All the Exchange impersonation permissions have been set and the credentials have been added to both the NBU client services on the Exchange server and in the client properties in the NBU Java console.
When we attempt to expand a users mailbox to see the messages we get and error saying 'System Database Error' and we can't see any messages. We get the same error when on the exchange client BAR or the master server BAR.
Below is an error we see in the nbflc log which we feel is relevent but we cannot find out anything more as to how to troubleshoot this error or what file it's looking for.
0,51216,158,351,2352,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,94:<from Producer::iterateResource> VDiskMounter::UnMountAllDisks called (../BEDSContext.cpp:159),20:[mounter] ,4
0,51216,158,351,2353,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,92:<from Producer::iterateResource> VDiskMounter::~VDiskMounter called (../BEDSContext.cpp:159),20:[mounter] ,4
0,51216,158,351,2354,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,94:<from Producer::iterateResource> VDiskMounter::UnMountAllDisks called (../BEDSContext.cpp:159),20:[mounter] ,4
0,51216,158,351,2355,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,100:FS_AttachToDLE() Failed! (0x2:The system cannot find the file specified.) (../ResourceChild.cpp:674),28:ResourceChildBEDS::_attach(),1
0,51216,158,351,2356,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,56:--- EXITING 00000000002FE348 --- (../RAIProducer.cpp:78),23:RAIChildContext::attach,6
0,51216,309,351,846,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,52:+++ ENTERING 00000000002FE988 +++ (../CFEObj.cpp:49),32:CFEObj::CFEObj(producer, marker),6
0,51216,309,351,847,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,51:--- EXITING 00000000002FE988 --- (../CFEObj.cpp:49),32:CFEObj::CFEObj(producer, marker),6
0,51216,309,351,848,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,60:+++ ENTERING 00000000002FEA98 +++ (../CFEObjProducer.cpp:67),34:CFEObjProducer::objProducerHandoff,6
0,51216,309,351,849,1519136187215,11312,16848,0:,68:1 non-object reasons added to the blocker
I think the NFS client is perhaps mounting the database ok but NBU then can't browse it as we also see the following warning in the event viewer on the exchange client.
Client for NFS requested a mount with file locking enabled, and the remote Network File System (NFS) server does not support file locking.
Client for NFS mounted the shared resource anyway. File locking may not be available.
To avoid this warning in the future, enable file-locking suppport on the remote NFS server.
One final point of note is that the Exchange databases are installed on GPT disks and so we do get a warning within the ASC job saying that GRT can't be used with GPT disks - BUT - we believe this is now supported and this error can be ignored following a Veritas update in the following post (please scroll to the bottom of the post)