Forum Discussion

Shantharam_Sahy's avatar
12 years ago

Unable to log into NBU Master with NBU Java Console

Hi All,

I am trying to login into NBU master server (Windows 2008 R2) using NBU Java console. Login fails with error 503 (Invalid User).

looking into bpjava-msvc logs I can see the below error mesage.


16:23:15.081 [14920.2400] <2> supportFiles: bpjava-msvc compiled on Sep 16 2012 at 09:33:51, NetBackup 7.5, level = 750000
16:23:15.081 [14920.2400] <2> supportFiles: debug level is 1
16:23:15.081 [14920.2400] <2> logparams:  -transient 
16:23:15.081 [14920.2400] <2> bpjava-msvc: myhostame = MASTER, I am >netbackup<, real locale = C, messsage locale = C, my master is
16:23:15.081 [14920.2400] <2> StartedByInetd: I was NOT started by the bpInetd process
16:23:15.081 [14920.2400] <2> bpjava-msvc: transient Master, I am not the daemon
16:23:15.081 [14920.2400] <2> bpjava-msvc:  currentObj.MyPort = 13722 , main_accept_init = 268, username = netbackup, real locale = C, auth.conf in D:\Program Files\Veritas\java
16:23:15.439 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: lines = 6, expectXML = 0
16:23:15.658 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: user = nbuadmin
16:23:15.658 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: this host =
16:23:15.658 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: locale = en_US
16:23:15.658 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: currentObj.AuthConfPath = D:\Program Files\Veritas\java\auth.conf
16:23:15.658 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: client version = 750000 IPC , my version = 750000 [IPC]
16:23:15.658 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: converted to common locale = en_US
16:23:15.673 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: converted to real locale = american
16:23:15.673 [14920.2400] <2> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: Oracle locale NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII
16:23:15.673 [14920.2400] <2> peerconnect: peer hostname is, peer address is
16:23:15.673 [14920.2400] <2> newAuthenticate: domain\username = nbuadmin
16:23:15.673 [14920.2400] <16> EnablePrivilege: AdjustTokenPrivileges of SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege failed, result = 1,  errno = 1300 = Not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller. 
16:23:15.673 [14920.2400] <16> command_LOGON_TO_MSERVER: authenticate failed for user nbuadmin (user not found)
16:23:15.876 [14920.2400] <2> readCharByChar: socket closed gracefully
16:23:15.876 [14920.2400] <16> poll_listen: can't find file descriptor 000000000000010C in polling table
16:23:15.876 [14920.2400] <2> KillSessionsJobs: getjobcount = 0
16:23:15.876 [14920.2400] <2> poll_exit: all done, code = 0 
16:23:15.876 [14920.2400] <4> bpjava-msvc: NEW_LOG closing debugFD and seting NB_INVALID
I have created a auth.conf with valid etries 
domainname\nbuadmin ADMIN=ALL JBP=ALL
domainname\netbackup ADMIN=ALL JBP=ALL
Any one with ideas why it fails to EnablePrivilege for assigning Token.
Is there any specfic permission to be set for netbackup user in AD???