Unable to migrate to 9.1 version
I have the following error when I try to run ./install (to do a migration to 9.1):
not ok java_key_store: Missing the following jks files. Regenerate web service certificates.
- /openv/var/global/vxss/tomcatcreds/nbwebservice.jks
This test runs when you upgrade the NetBackup master server from 8.0 to 8.1 or later NetBackup version.
Check Java Keystores fingerprints (*.jks) for tomcatcreds wsl or credentials.
for more information.
Actually, I realized that /openv/var/global/vxss/tomcatcreds/nbwebservice.jks file doesnt exist. Following the article 1000045513, using this info to recreate the file:
- If the Tomcat certificate files were detected as missing or corrupt, recreate them.
First make sure the first SERVER in the configuration is correct for the host. Update the bp.conf file or registry setting if incorrect.
Second, obtain the list of hostnames by which other NetBackup hosts know the master server, so they can be placed into the new certificate. E.g. mymaster.com, mymaster, mymaster.backup.com, mymaster-bk
Third, on NetBackup 8.1.1+, use the -f option to force overwrite of existing files.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbgetconfig SERVER
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbcertconfig -t -user <web_service_user> [-f] [-sub <comma_separated_master_server_hostnames>]
In my case when I run the nbcertconfig -t -user nbwebsvc -f I receive the following error:
Failed to generate security certificate for tomcat
In the nbcert log I see the following error:
19:03:57.154 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_client_transport.c,469)Failed (pbxConnect) to connect to bkserverag 1556
19:03:57.154 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_client_transport.c,281)pbx connect failed. rc = -1, host = bkserverag, PBXPort = 1556, PBX_ServiceID = nbatd
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_client_proxy.c,278)Unable to open a connection to bkserverag!1556!nbatd
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,144) ERROR STACK REPORT BEGIN
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,148) Frame :0
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,158) File: ../at_client_transport.c:282
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,161) Error data: PBX connect failed
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,148) Frame :1
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,158) File: ../at_client_protocol.c:4519
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,161) Error data: Failed to connect to the server
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,148) Frame :2
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,158) File: ../at_client_protocol.c:1564
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,161) Error data: Failed to gets brokers public key
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,148) Frame :3
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,158) File: ../at_client_api.c:910
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,161) Error data: vrtsAtSetupTrust
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EAT_LOG:(../at_utils.c,171) ERROR STACK REPORT END
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> setupTrustAuthorizedUser: vrtsAtSetupTrust() failed, error =24582
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> authenticateUserWithCSR: setupTrustAuthorizedUser() failed, error =116
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> generateTomcatCert: authenticateUserWithCSR() failed, error = 116
19:03:57.155 [2154] <16> nbcertconfig: EXIT STATUS 116 Failed to generate security certificate for tomcat.
This error seems to be the same as pointed in the following tech note: https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100041396
Unfortunatelly, the tips mentioned in the note didnt help.
Thanks for your help and best regards