Forum Discussion

wdoust's avatar
Level 3
3 years ago

Unable to modify a previous version of SLP on Netbackup 8.0

When trying to modify a previous version of SLP to change the duplication residence, it fails at the command line. The previous Storage Unit definition was very long and doesn't fully show up in the listing. The full name is "grs-nbus2-hcart2-robot-tld-0". I've created a shorter Storage Unit called "nbus2-hcart3", but the nbstl utility still doesn't work.

All Storage Unit names are lower case only.

Successful outcomes are:

 - Find a way to change the residence in the older version of the SLP weekly-nbus2.
 - Stop the Duplication jobs from being processed (and subsequently failing due to incorrect Storage Unit density parameter)





PS > .\nbstl weekly-nbus2-d2t -U -version 16
weekly-nbus2-d2t 16
backup                         stu-nbus2-msdp Default_24x7_Win Fixed
 duplication                   grs-nbus2-hcar Default_24x7_Win Fixed


PS > .\nbstl weekly-nbus2-d2t -modify_version -version 16 -residence stu-nbus2-msdp,nbus2-hcart3
nbstl: unrecognized option nbus2-hcart3

Exit status: 20(invalid command parameter)
USAGE: nbstl [storage_lifecycle_name] [options]


  • Hi wdoust 

    I think I understand now - powershell (I didn't realise you were using that) must mess up the arguments. Try (I'd be curious to make sure this works) putting single quotes around the argument for -residence, so something like this:
    .\nbstl -modify_version -version 16 -residence 'stu-nbus2-msdp,nbus2-hcart3'
    No quotes give me the same error in a PS (even on the master), and double quotes also don't work. But the above syntax allowed me to change the target STU. 

    Thanks for helping find out something new.


  • Hi wdoust 

    To answer your second question first - use the "nbstlutil cancel -backupid <id>" command using the backupid option (use the "nbstlutil sltilist -image_incomplete -lifecycle weekly-nbus2-d2t" to get the list of backupid's in progress).

    As for fixing the specific version of the SLP, what you are executing is the correct form, so there must be something else that isn't allowing you to alter the SLP version (possible a missing parameter). To this end can you provide the output of the following commands:
    nbstl weekly-nbus2-d2t -version 15 -L
    bpstulist -label nbus2-hcart3 -L 
    bpstulist -label grs-nbus2-hcar..... -L (put the correct STU name here)


    • wdoust's avatar
      Level 3

      Hi davidmoline 

      Thanks for responding! Here is the output:

      PS C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd> .\nbstl weekly-nbus2-d2t -version 15 -L
      Name: weekly-nbus2-d2t
      Data Classification: (none specified)
      Duplication Job Priority: 75
      State: active
      Version: 15
      Operation 1 Use for: 0 (backup)
      Storage: stu-nbus2-msdp
      Volume Pool: (none specified)
      Server Group: (none specified)
      Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
      Retention Level: 10 (6 weeks)
      Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
      Preserve Multiplexing: false
      Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
      State: active
      Source: 0 (client)
      Operation ID: (none specified)
      Operation Index: 1
      Window Name: --
      Window Close Option: --
      Deferred Duplication: no

      PS C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd> .\bpstulist -label nbus2-hcart3 -L

      Label: nbus2-hcart3
      Storage Unit Type: Media Manager
      Host Connection:
      Number of Drives: 2
      On Demand Only: no
      Density: hcart3 (20)
      Robot Type/Number: TLD (8) / 0
      Max Fragment Size: 1048576
      Max MPX/drive: 1

      PS C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd> .\bpstulist -label grs-nbus2-hcart2-robot-tld-0 -L

      Label: grs-nbus2-hcart2-robot-tld-0
      Storage Unit Type: Media Manager
      Host Connection:
      Number of Drives: 3
      On Demand Only: no
      Density: hcart (6)
      Robot Type/Number: TLD (8) / 0
      Max Fragment Size: 1048576
      Max MPX/drive: 1

      NB. Version 15 is the one I used last week to stop duplication jobs due to a faulty TBU. Version 16 is where I reinstated the Duplication job, but inadvertently used the old Storage Unit (HCART2). The latest version has the correct Storage Unit and is being used to duplicate new jobs.



      • davidmoline's avatar
        Level 6

        Hi wdoust 

        My bad, I wanted to see the problem SLP version (16?). Can you resend version 16 output?
