Forum Discussion

ankushkalra's avatar
9 years ago

Unable to restore data


We are using symantic veritas 6.5.6 to backup all unix and windows servers.Our backup server is on win2k8 enterprise 64 bit.

We recently come across issue while restorating data of one server onto some other server.

Restoration logs:

3/3/2016 8:53:45 AM - begin Restore
3/3/2016 8:53:45 AM - 1 images required
3/3/2016 8:53:45 AM - media 8CFTL5 required
3/3/2016 8:54:19 AM - restoring image abcimage_1446258730
3/3/2016 8:54:20 AM - connecting
3/3/2016 8:54:20 AM - requesting resource 8CFTL5
3/3/2016 8:54:21 AM - granted resource 8CFTL5
3/3/2016 8:54:21 AM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.000
3/3/2016 8:54:22 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:02
3/3/2016 8:54:22 AM - started process bptm (7496)
3/3/2016 8:54:22 AM - mounting 8CFTL5
3/3/2016 8:54:26 AM - Error bptm(pid=7496) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed    
3/3/2016 8:54:26 AM - current media 8CFTL5 complete, requesting next resource HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.000:BkupPolicy:8CFTL5
3/3/2016 8:54:32 AM - granted resource 8CFTL5
3/3/2016 8:54:32 AM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.001
3/3/2016 8:54:34 AM - started process bptm (7496)
3/3/2016 8:54:34 AM - mounting 8CFTL5
3/3/2016 8:55:38 AM - mounted; mount time: 00:01:04
3/3/2016 8:55:39 AM - positioning 8CFTL5 to file 1
3/3/2016 8:55:39 AM - positioned 8CFTL5; position time: 00:00:00
3/3/2016 8:55:39 AM - begin reading
3/3/2016 12:04:43 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=5084) from client VeritasClient: FTL - tar had an unexpected error  
3/3/2016 12:04:44 PM - restored image abcimage_1446258730 - (tar had an unexpected error(184)); restore time 03:10:25
3/3/2016 12:04:44 PM - Warning bprd(pid=8776) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 10/30/2016 8:02:10

3/3/2016 12:04:44 PM - end Restore; elapsed time: 03:10:59
the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)

I have tried this on 2-3 different servers for resoration .In all servers i am getting same error.

Please note i am restoring data of Server to different servers.

Please suggest what i am doing wrong.

2 Replies

  • Was backup done with Encryption? 
    Either hardware or client encryption.

    Some TNs:

    Status 5 during restore of client-side encrypted backup image: unable to find the decryption key in the file 

    And a TN for Lotus Notes:

    Important that you create tar log folder on the destination client and increase logging level to 5.

    bpbrm and bptm logs on media server may also help.

  • Look at this:

    3/3/2016 8:55:39 AM - begin reading
    3/3/2016 12:04:43 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=5084) from client VeritasClient: FTL - tar had an unexpected error  

    It mounts and starts reading ... and i suspect that it may have been writing some data? Is there anything restored in the directory you are restoring too?

    If there is then it is the client read timeout on your media servers not being high enough .. i suspect as this shows 3 hours that it is set to around 10000

    If it has not restored anything then it is not actually connecting to the client you are trying to restore to and it sits there trying until it hots the client connect timout .. which if that is the case i suspect to be about 10000.

    If it has restored some data then increase the client read and client connect timeouts .... if it hasn't restored any data find out why you cannot connect from the media server to the client .. use telnet on 1556 and testbpcd

    Hope this helps