Forum Discussion

rk1074's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

UNC path Restore getting partial

Hello ,


I am trying to restore from the backup of a stnadard windows Server to a CIFS share using UNC path.  While most the folder are getting successfull, few of the them are getting partial. Files are written to the destination with 0 byte size. Below are the job detail from one such job:


11/06/2014 06:31:34 - begin Restore
11/06/2014 06:31:34 - restoring from image source_client_1415188985
11/06/2014 06:31:34 - requesting resource @aaaaf
11/06/2014 06:31:35 - granted resource  -lvdc1;;MediaServer=Media_server
11/06/2014 06:31:35 - Info bprd (pid=24339) Restoring from copy 1 of image created Wed Nov  5 06:03:05 2014 from policy
11/06/2014 06:31:35 - Info bpbrm (pid=24354) destination_clientis the host to restore to
11/06/2014 06:31:35 - Info bpbrm (pid=24354) reading file list for client
11/06/2014 06:31:36 - connecting
11/06/2014 06:31:36 - Info bpbrm (pid=24354) starting bptm
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - Info tar (pid=9844) Restore started
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - Info bpbrm (pid=24354) bptm pid: 24392
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - Info bptm (pid=24392) start
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - started process bptm (pid=24392)
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - Info bptm (pid=24392) reading backup image
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - Info bptm (pid=24392) using 30 data buffers
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - Info bptm (pid=24392) spawning a child process
11/06/2014 06:31:40 - Info bptm (pid=24392) child pid: 24398
11/06/2014 06:31:42 - begin reading
11/06/2014 06:31:42 - Info bptm (pid=24392) waited for empty buffer 0 times, delayed 0 times
11/06/2014 06:31:42 - end reading; read time: 0:00:00
11/06/2014 06:31:42 - Info bptm (pid=24392) completed reading backup image
11/06/2014 06:31:42 - Info bptm (pid=24392) EXITING with status 0 <----------
11/06/2014 06:31:51 - Warning bpbrm (pid=24354) from client destination_client WRN - 'Server' service needs to be restarted for share to take effect: \\Cifs_share\c$\CCPT_Migration\CCPT_Migration\TW_Profiles$
11/06/2014 06:32:04 - Warning bpbrm (pid=24354) from client destination_client: WRN - 'Server' service needs to be restarted for share to take effect: \\Cifs_share1\c$\CCPT_Migration\CCPT_Migration\TW_Redirect$
11/06/2014 06:32:15 - Warning bpbrm (pid=24354) from client destination_client: WRN - error writing file: \\Cifs_share\c$\CCPT_Migration\CCPT_Migration\TW_Redirect$\VBCC.tmp (err=WIN32 1337: The security ID structure is invalid. )
11/06/2014 06:32:15 - Warning bpbrm (pid=24354) from client destination_client: WRN - error writing byte: 0
11/06/2014 06:32:15 - Warning bpbrm (pid=24354) from client destination_client: WRN - wanted buffer size: 252
11/06/2014 06:32:23 - Warning bpbrm (pid=24354) from client destination_client: WRN - 'Server' service needs to be restarted for share to take effect: \\Cifs_share1\c$\CCPT_Migration\CCPT_Migration\TW_Shared$
11/06/2014 06:32:30 - Info tar (pid=9844) done. status 0
11/06/2014 06:32:30 - restored from image source_client_1415188985; restore time: 0:00:56
11/06/2014 06:32:30 - Info tar (pid=9844) done. status: 1
11/06/2014 06:32:30 - Info tar (pid=9844) done. status: 1: the requested operation was partially successful
11/06/2014 06:32:30 - Error bpbrm (pid=24354) client restore EXIT STATUS 1: the requested operation was partially successful
11/06/2014 06:32:30 - Warning bprd (pid=24339) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:03:05 AM CST
11/06/2014 06:32:30 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:56
the requested operation was partially successful  (1)


There is plenty of space on the share. Services are running with domain account having read/write access to the share.


Clinet W2k3 Enterprise running

Master/Media Linux RHEL 5.10 with NBU



Please help..

  • As it says in the document "Restore fails due to the restored ACLs being rejected by the Appliance". NetBackup can't do much and you have to get in touch with the vendor.

    To where you are restoring. Is this EMC box or some other vendor.

    Also I do see that you are getting the error on just 1-2 files, it should not be a big deal to put the ACLS manually on these folder.

    As a test can you try to restore that file without ACL and see if it works. If it works you only have 2 options. Call the hardware vendor to see if they could help or restore and put the ACLs manully on those folders.

  • 11/06/2014 06:32:15 - Warning bpbrm (pid=24354) from client destination_client: WRN - error writing file: \\Cifs_share\c$\CCPT_Migration\CCPT_Migration\TW_Redirect$\VBCC.tmp (err=WIN32 1337: The security ID structure is invalid. )

    Warning bpbrm (pid=16056) from client destination_client: WRN - error writing file: \cifs_share\c$\CCPT_Migration\CCPT_Migration\Staff_IBM$\CRU Email Collection Calls\Elisha Cuela_N8N060195.wav
    11/06/2014 06:37:06 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16056) from client usar382vm015: WRN - disk full at byte: 0


    Can you write some files to this path manually? Does it work ?

    Check the below TN as it indicates the same error message.

    If this doesn't resolve post the TAR log here as text file.

  • Hi Sazz,


    Thanks for the tech note. it really helped. But our requiremnt is to migrate all the data to the Cifs share with same permissions as the orginial one and disabling ACL will not help.


    attached are the TAR logs for one such  job.Any other thought

  • As it says in the document "Restore fails due to the restored ACLs being rejected by the Appliance". NetBackup can't do much and you have to get in touch with the vendor.

    To where you are restoring. Is this EMC box or some other vendor.

    Also I do see that you are getting the error on just 1-2 files, it should not be a big deal to put the ACLS manually on these folder.

    As a test can you try to restore that file without ACL and see if it works. If it works you only have 2 options. Call the hardware vendor to see if they could help or restore and put the ACLs manully on those folders.

  • Hello Sazz Its just the log of one file that I have shared..there is around 550GB of data that needsto be restored ...and I have facing this with almost half data..
  • recieving below erro as well for other restore:


    Warning bpbrm (pid=16056) from client destination_client: WRN - error writing file: \cifs_share\c$\CCPT_Migration\CCPT_Migration\Staff_IBM$\CRU Email Collection Calls\Elisha Cuela_N8N060195.wav
    11/06/2014 06:37:06 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16056) from client destinatio_client: WRN - disk full at byte: 0