15 years agoLevel 6
Unix scripting assistance ?
We backup to a VTL, then duplicate to an SL8500.
When the SLP jobs queue up, they allocate resources to the job before they determine if it will run - so they lock the source and destination tape drives, then check to see if the tapes are available. If an existing backup is writing to a tape on my VTL, the destination physical tape drive cannot be used until the source tape free's up.
What I am looking for is a sequence of commands that would scan the active jobs for jobs with "State Details" = "Media is in use", then I can run the bpdbjobs -cancel command to cancel the SLP job which will free up the tapes.
Thanks in advance.
I added this to my bp.conf:
bpdbjobs -report -most_columns | grep " media is in use "
works to display job id.
Looks like I got it after all.