Forum Discussion

cbudd's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Upgrade AIX client to 6.5.4


I am new to Netbackup and I am having some issues upgrading the client from 6.5 to 6.5.4 on my AIX5.3 box. When we upgraded to 6.5 the Netbackup admin gave me the client files, I ran the install script and everything went perfectly. I was recently asked to upgrade the client so I downloaded NB_CLT_6.5.4_326396.tar, copied over to /tmp NB_update.install, VrtsNB_CLT_6.5.4.README, and VrtsNB_CLT_6.5.4.RS6000.tar.Z. and I ran the NB_update.install. I copied the error I get when trying to upgrade. The Netbackup server is a windows server and I am under the impression I will have to do a locale upgrade. Any help would be appreciated.

# ./NB_update.install
There is 1 pack available in /opt/nbu:
(* denotes installed pack)
Enter pack name (or q) [q]: NB_CLT_6.5.4
ERROR: Pack NB_CLT_6.5.4 is intended for NetBackup Release
       Version(s): 6.5.
       NetBackup Release currently installed:
ERROR: Pack NB_CLT_6.5.4 will not be installed.
There is 1 pack available in /opt/nbu:
(* denotes installed pack)
Enter pack name (or q) [q]:
  • extracting the NB_CLT_6.5.4_326396.tar file in /tmp & then running the install?
  • Open the administrator console.  Under NetBackup Management, expand (click on the +) the group for host properties, and then click on clients.  Scroll down to the host name in the list in the right pane and left-click on the name and wait.

    What I have found when doing upgrades recently is that what is in the version file is the major version of 6.5 not any patch versions.  When clicking on the name in the client list, I get the correct major and patch revision for that client.

    If it still has issues, try to doing a /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_client_files command with the proper security and host names for that client.  It will force the master to push over the updated client files accordingly, assuming that the master was setup to retain all the client install files.

  • Since we upgraded to 6.5 I haven't applied any patches, so it should be showing 6.5. It is also showing 6.5 in the Management console. The master server is not a unix server so I can't perform /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_client_files. I was under the impress that a windows master server can't push files to a unix box.
  • It's not supported to have clients with a higer Netbackup version than the master server. You need to patch the master server  before patchin the AIX client to 6.5.4

    Donwload  NB_6.5.4.rs6000_326379.tar,  extraxt it  to  /tmp and re-try teh patch innstallation.
  • Our master server is a windows server and it has been patched to 6.5.4 along with all the windows clients.

  • Thanks everyone that helped me out. I had to download and untar NB_6.5.4.rs6000_326379.tar, NB_CLT_6.5.4_326396.tar, and NB_JAV_6.5.4_326406.tar in /tmp in order to install the client piece.