upgrade from 8.1.2 to fails pre-check java_key_store fingerprint check
During an attempted upgrade from NetBackup 8.1.2 on RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.9 to Netbackup, the precheck critical checks fails the check for java_key_store fingerprints with the error:
not_ok: java_key_store: [fingerprint_redacted] fingerprint does not macth any CA/tomcat certificate files. At least one Java Keystore CA fingerprint does not match the RB certificate fingerprint. This test runs when you upgrade the NetBackup master server from 8.0 to 8.1 or later Netbackup version. Check Java Keystore fingerprints (*.jks) for tomcatcreds wsl or credentials. See https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100045513 for more information.
I followed the steps in that page to recreate the certificates with no errors and still get the same error when I try to upgrade.
So what this came down to was the fact that I use the NB Compnent Update utility to keep the JRE updated between releases. This caused the fingerprint to be messed up. I reinstalled the original 8.1.2 and then was able to immediately upgrade to
Janky, but I am at least able to upgrade. If anyone has tips on how to keep the JRE updated between releases in a way that wont break future upgrades would be nice.