Forum Discussion

kingkhan4u's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

URGENT: tpconfig file deleted, how to recover tpconfig file

Hi Experts

I am newbee to netbackup server. Recently as amateur troubleshooting of file and check, I mistakenly deleted the file "tpconfig" due to typo


Now I dont know how to restore this file. Looks like it is binary file.

SunOS 5.10 Generic_147440-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise.

How to recover the file any idea or restore it? I tried to copy the same file from differentsparc server to this one but it did not helped as running the file giving error :

root@nbu> /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -l
bash: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig: Invalid argument

root@nbu> ls -lrth | grep tpconfig

-r-xr-xr-x   1 root     bin         1.1M Feb 18 16:03 tpconfig

Requesting you to provide an urgent suggestion on this



  • Try to extract tpconfig file from patch package or GA package.

    For first, look into /usr/openv/netbackup/version file, and check which version of NetBackup server installed. Then download patch of NetBackup server  for SPARC Solaris. If you are using NetBackup 7.5, use 7.5 GA package instead.

    For 7.5 GA, If I remember right, binary files are placed as it is under somewhere in GA package, or packed into stream package.

    For 7.5.0.x, binary files are packed into .tar.gz. Extract it and look into extracted files.

    Now I'm in a way to go my office. if you can not find out, please post version file and wait for an hour. I will check later.

  • Extract tpconfig command from 7.5 GA:

    # ls -F
    Doc/         LICENSE      VSM_README   install*     solaris/
    # cd solaris
    # ls -F
    anb/      catalog/
    # cd anb
    # ls -F
    SYMCnetbp.pkg*       client_dist.tar.gz*
    # file SYMCnetbp.pkg
    SYMCnetbp.pkg:  package datastream
    # ls -F
    SYMCnetbp/           SYMCnetbp.pkg*       client_dist.tar.gz*
    # ls -F
    install/  pkginfo   pkgmap    reloc/
    # find . -name tpconfig
    # grep openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig pkgmap
    1 f NBclass openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig 0555 root bin 1199544 27425 1328683813
    # cp reloc/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
    # chown root:bin /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
    # chmod 0555 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig

    Extract tpconfig command from

    # ls -F
    # tar xf NB_7.5.0.4.solaris.tar
    # ls -F
    NB_7.5.0.4.solaris.tar*         VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.postuninstall*
    NB_update.install*              VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.preinstall*
    VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.README           VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.preuninstall*
    VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.postinstall*     VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.solaris.tar.gz
    # /usr/sfw/bin/gtar xzf VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.solaris.tar.gz
    # ls -F
    NB_7.5.0.4.solaris.tar*         VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.postuninstall*
    NB_update.install*              VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.preinstall*
    SYMCnetbp.pkg*                  VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.preuninstall*
    VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.README           VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.solaris.tar.gz
    # pkgtrans SYMCnetbp.pkg . SYMCnetbp
    Transferring  package instance
    # ls -F
    NB_7.5.0.4.solaris.tar*         VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.postinstall*
    NB_update.install*              VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.postuninstall*
    SYMCnetbp/                      VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.preinstall*
    SYMCnetbp.pkg*                  VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.preuninstall*
    VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.README           VrtsNB_7.5.0.4.solaris.tar.gz
    # cd SYMCnetbp
    # ls -F
    install/  pkginfo   pkgmap    reloc/
    # find . -name tpconfig
    # grep openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig pkgmap
    1 f NBclass openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig 0555 root bin 1203536 42795 1347805735
    # cp reloc/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
    # chown root:bin /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
    # chmod 0555 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
  • Thanks for your prompt answer

    My NBU:

    # cat /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/version
    NetBackup-Solaris10 7.0.1


    I am looking for patch version, I will update.

  • If other sparc server is the same NBU version, then copying should work.
    If you use ftp, ensure that binary mode is selected. 
    rcp or scp should also work.

    Compare file sizes and checksums after file was copied.
    (sum tpconfig).

  • Hi Yasuhisa

    I loaded the DVD and extracted the file as it was located in your said directory

    I did as you suggested but getting following error : Segmentation Fault

    root@nbu> cp tpconfig /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
    root@nbu> chown root:bin /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
    root@nbu> chmod 0555 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
    root@nbu> /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig
    Segmentation Fault

  • Did you copy from correct software DVD?

    NBU for Solaris has Sparc and X86 software.

    Please show us output of 'file /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig'.

    Also run same command for one of the other binaries in volmgr/bin folder.

  • I backup my media servers as well. A simple "bprestore /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/tpconfig" would do the job.

  • Thanks Yasuhisa, I loaded the file and it worked.

    Thanks to ALL for motivating me to write you guys and also pushed me to learn this alien. Truly impressed with the help.

